Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

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Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Extra Questions and Answers Coal and Petroleum

Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Name three natural resources.
Air, water and soil.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 2.
Why air, water, minerals and soil are called natural resources ?
Because they are provided by nature. Human beings cannot make them.

Question 3.
Name two inexhaustible natural resources.
Sunlight and air.

Question 4.
Name two exhaustible resources.
Wildlife and minerals.

Question 5.
Name the gas produced during destructive distillation of coal.
Coal gas.

Question 6.
What happens when a burning matchstick is taken near the mouth of the outlet tube during destructive distillation of coal ?
Coal gas catches fire.

Question 7.
Name the black residue left behind in the glass tube during destructive distillation of coal.
It is coke.

Question 8.
What is the name of the process in which coal is heated in absence of air.
The process is called destructive distillation of coal.

Question 9.
Name the pure form of carbon.
The pure form of carbon is coke.

Question 10.
How is coal gas used nowadays?
Nowadays the coal gas is used as a source of heat rather than light.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 11.
Where was the first oil well f drilled?
The world’s first oil well was drilled at Pennsylvania, USA in 1859.

Question 12.
When and where was the first oil well drilled in India ?
In 1867 at Makum in Assam.

Question 13.
What is the name of the process of separating the different constituents/ fractions of petroleum?
It is called refining.

Question 14.
What is the full form of PCRA?
Full form of PCRA is Petroleum Conservation Research Association.

Question 15.
What is termed as black gold?
Coal is termed as black gold.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions Short Answer Type 1

Question 1.
Define fossil fuel.
Fossil fuel: The exhaustible natural resources like coal, petroleum and natural gas which were formed from the dead remains of living organism (fossils) are called fossil fuels, They are found in the earth’s crust.

Question 2.
Define LPG.
LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas. It is obtained during fractional distillation of petroleum. Its main components are : butane and propane. It is used in filling cylinder and for cooking purpose. It is also used as an industrial fuel.

Question 3.
Define inexhaustible natural resources.
Those resources, which are present in unlimited quantity in nature and arp not likely to be exhausted by human activities are called inexhaustible natural resources e.g., sunlight, air, etc.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 4.
Define exhaustible natural resources.
The resources, which are present in limited quantity in nature and can be exhausted by human activities are called exhaustible natural resources e.g., forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, petroleum, natural%as, etc.

Question 5.
How were exhaustible natural resources formed?
These were formed from the dead remains of living organisms (fossils). So, these are also known as fossil fuels.

Question 6.
What gas is produced when coal is heated in air? .
When coal is heated in air, a gas called carbon dioxide (C02) is formed, which is a harmful gas and its presence in excess causes greenhouse effect and global warming.

Question 7.
Why is coal called fossil fuel ?
Since coal was formed from the remains of the vegetations (plants), it is called a fossil fuel.

Question 8.
Define carbonisation.
The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.

Question 9.
What do you mean by destructive distillation ?
The process of heating coa) in the absence of air (oxygen) is called destructive distillation.

Question 10.
From where naphthalene balls are obtained ? What is its use ?
Naphthalene balls are obtained from the coal tar. These balls are used to repel” insects and moths.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 11.
What fuel is used in heavy motor vehicles ?
Diesel is used as fuel in heavy motor vehicles.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions Short Answer Type 2

Question 1.
Write any two uses of coke.
Two uses of coke are :
(а) Coke is used in the manufacture of steel.
(b) Coke is used in the extraction of many metals.

Question 2.
Name the organisation in India which advises people ‘how to save petrol/ diesel’. Write its full form.
In India, PCRA advises people ‘how to save petfoi/diesel’ while driving. PCRA give important and valuable tips necessary to follow while driving. The full form of PCRA is Petroleum Conservation Research Association.

Question 3.
What are the uses of coal gas ?
(i) The coal gas is used as a fuel ip the coal processing plant and in many industries situated near the coal processing plants.
(ii) Earlier it was used for lighting but nowadays it is used as a source of heat.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 4.
What is petroleum? What is meant by refining?
Petroleum is a dark oily liquid. It has an unpleasant smell. It is a mixture of various constituents such as petroleum gas, petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc. The process of separating the different constituents/fractions is known as refining.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Write down five constituent of petroleum refining with their one use.
Constituents of petroleum and their uses :

  1. LPG: It is used as a fuel for home and industry.
  2. Petrol: It is used as a motor fuel, aviation fuel, and solvent for dry cleaning.
  3. Kerosene: It is used as a fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircraft.
  4. Diesel: It is used as a fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators.
  5. Lubricating oil: It is used for lubrication of moving machinery parts like fans, motors, etc.
  6. Paraffin wax: Paraffin wax is used for making ointments, candles, vaseline, etc.

Question 2.
Define the following:
(a) Crude oil
(b) Coke
(c) CNG
(d) PCRA
(e) Natural gas
(a) Crude oil : Crude oil is a dark, oily liquid with an unpleasant smell obtained from the layers of the earth crust. It is popularly termed as Petroleum. The term ‘petroleum’ has been derived from the Latin words: ‘petra’ – which means rock and ‘oleum’ – which means oil.

(b) Coke: It is a tough, porous and black substance. It is almost pure form of carbon
and contains about 98% carbon. It is a good fuel and bums without smoke.

(c) CNG: Natural gas stored under high pressure in compressed form is called compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG is used for power generation. It is now being used as a fuel for transport vehicles because it is less polluting. It is a cleaner fuel.

(d) PCRA: PCRA advises people ‘how to save petrol/diesel’ while driving. PCRA give important and valuable tips necessary to follow while driving. The full form of PCRA is Petroleum Conservation Research Association.

(e) Natural gas : Natural gas is a fossil fuel found naturally as a gas mixture in the oil wells. Its main component is methane. Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel because it is easy to transport through pipes.

Coal and Petroleum Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 5

Question 3.
What is fuel ? Write down four characteristics of an ideal fuel ?
A fuel is a substance that is burned to provide heat energy. Materials like coal, wood, diesel, natural gas etc. provide heat so used as fuels.
The characteristics of good fuel are :

  1. It should be economical.
  2. It should be available easily.
  3. It should not emit poisonous gases on burning.
  4. It should have a high calorific value.
  5. It should be easy to transport and continues
  6. It should leave very little or no ash after burning.

Question 4.
Today large demand of petroleum has increased its drilling from various resources. What will happen if it continues? What steps should be taken in order to mitigate such conditions?
The alarming increase in the demand and its drilling can lead to the following consequence :
(a) The reserve or stock is limited, it will soon run away.
(b) Burning these fuels also cause air pollution as well as global warming.

In order to mitigate such situations, the following steps should be taken:
(а) We should use the fossil fuels judiciously so that they are available for a longer period.
(b) We must look for alternative sources, such as solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, etc.

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