Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Extra Questions Data Handling and Presentation
Class 6 Maths Data Handling and Presentation Extra Questions
NCERT Class 6 Maths Chapter 4 Data Handling and Presentation Extra Questions and Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Make the tally marks for 12.
Solution :
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
A survey was conducted among a few people regarding their favourite beverages. The below tally marks table shows the data:
(a) How many more people like green tea than coffee?
(b) How many total people were surveyed?
Solution :
(a) Number of people like green tea = 9
Number of people like coffee = 8
Number of people like green tea than coffee = 9 – 8 = 1
(b) Total number of people surveyed = 19 + 8 + 9 + 4 = 40
Question 2.
A dice is rolled 20 times. The following tally marks table shows which number came up how many times:
(a) Which number appeared the maximum number of times?
(b) How often does a number appear which is more than 2?
Solution :
(a) 1 appeared the most.
(b) 8 times, a number appeared which is more than 2.
Question 3.
In a mathematics test, the following marks were obtained out of 9 by 40 students.
(a) Arrange these marks in a table using tally marks
(b) Find how many students obtained marks equal to or more than 7.
(b) Students who obtained marks equal to or more than 7: 5 + 4 + 3 = 12
Question 4.
Rearrange the following marks of 30 students in ą tabular form, using tally method.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
The result of a Mathematics test is as follows:
These are shown is, in following table.
(a) What are the maximum marks obtained? How many students score less than 75 marks?
(b) How many students scored 80 marks or above? How many students appeared in the test?
Solution :
(a) Maximum marks obtained by a student = 100. 5+ 3 + 6 = 14 students obtained marks less than 75.
(b) 5 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 11 students scored marks 80 or above 80.
Total 25 students were appeared in the test.
Passage Based Questions
Passage 1: Shobhit works in a shoe store. He records the shoe sizes and the number of pairs sold every day. On Tuesday, he sold 60 pairs. His record for the day is shown below.
Question 1.
How many pairs of size 8 were sold on Tuesday?
(a) 3
(b) 10
(c) 11
(d) 13
Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: 13 pair of shoes of size 8 were sold on Tuesday.
Question 2.
Which shoe size sold the most?
(a) Size 4
(b) Size 6
(c) Size 8
(d) Size 9
Option (b) is correct.
Explanation: Shoe size 6 sold the most for 15 times.
Question 3.
Shobit realised that he had not fully recorded the sale for Tuesday. How many sold pairs had he not recorded?
Solution :
5 pairs
Question 4.
The unrecorded data was of shoe size 7. Shobit corrected his record accordingly. Which of the following statements will be true now?
(a) Shoe size 8 sold the least now
(b) Shoe size 7 sold the most now
(c) Shoe size 5 is the new mode of the data
(d) Number of shoe pairs of size 3 can be calculated
Option (b) is correct.
Etplanation: On making correction, shoe size 7 sold 16 times.
Question 5.
The price of one shoe pair of size 5 is ₹ 800. How much “money had Shobhit collected by selling all the shoe pairs of size 5 ?
Solution :
₹ 5600(800 × 7 = 5600)
NCERT EXEMPLAR CORNSR (Only Important Questions)
Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
Using tally marks, which one of the following represents the number eight:
Option (d) is correct.
Explanation: The tally marks in option (d) represents number 8 .
Question 2.
The marks (out of 10) obtained by 28 students in a Mathematics test are listed as below.
8,1,2,6,5,5,5,0,1,9,7,8,0,5,8,3,0,8,10,10,3,4, 8,7,8,9,2,0
The number of students who obtained marks more than or equal to 5 is
(a) 13
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 17
(d) 17
Explanation: We know that, 17 students obtained marks more than or equal to 5 .
Question 3.
In question 2 above, the number of students who scored marks less than 4 is
(a) 15
(b) 13
(c) 12
(d) 10
(d) 10
Explanation: We know that, 10 students scored marks less than 4.
Question 4.
The choices of the fruits of 42 students in a class are as follows:
A, O, B, M, A, G, B, G, A, G
B, M, A, G, M, A, B, G, M, B
A, O, M, O, G, B, O, M, G, A,
A, B, M, O, M, G, B, A, M, O, M, O.
where A, B, G, M and O stand for the fruits Apple, Banana, Grapes, Mango and Orange respectively. Which two fruits are liked by an equal number of students ?
(a) A and M
(b) M and B
(c) B and O
(d) B and G
(d) B and G
Explanation: On counting, Banana and Grapes are liked by an equal number of students
Question 5.
According to data of question 4, which fruit is liked by most of the students ?
(a) O
(b) G
(c) M
(d) A
(c) M
Explanation: Mango is liked by most number of students.
Question 1.
An observation occurring five times in a data is recorded as |||\mid, using tally marks.
Fill in the Blanks
Question 1.
A……… a collection of numbers gathered to give some meaningful information.
Question 2.
The data can be arranged in a tabular form using ……
Question 3.
A …… represents data through pictures of objects.
Question 4.
An observation occurring seven times in a data is represented as …… using tally marks.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
In an examination, the grades achieved by 30 students of a class are given below. Arrange these grades in a table using tally marks :
B, C, C, E, A, C, B, B, D, D, D, D, B, C, C, C, A, C, B, E, A, D, C, B, E, C, B, E, C, D
Solution :
On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, we get the following table:
Question 2.
The number of two wheelers owned individually by each of 50 families are listed below. Make a table using tally marks.
1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2,3,1,0,2,1,0,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,4,1,3,1,1,2,1,
1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1
Find the number of families having two or more, two wheelers.
Solution :
On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, we get the following table:
Question 3.
The lengths in centimetres (to the nearest centimetre) of 30 carrots are given as follows : 15,22,21,20,22,15,15,20,20,15,20,18,20,22,21, 20,21,18,21,18,20,18,21,18,22,20,15,21,18,20 Arrange the data given above in a table using tally marks and answer the following questions.
(a) What is the number of carrots which have length more than 20 cm ?
(b) Which length of the carrots occur maximum and number of times ?
Solution :
On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, we get the following table.
(a) Hete, we have to find the length of the carrots having more than 20 cm . So we have to add the carrots having lengths 21 cm and 22 cm.
∴ Number of such carrots = 6 + 4 = 10
(b) From the table, we can say that 20 cm length occurs the maximum number of times i.e., 9 times and the 22 cm length occurs the minimum number of times i.e., 4 times.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Thirty students were interviewed to find out what they want to be in future. Their responses are listed as below :
doctor, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, doctor, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, pilot, engineer, officer, pilot, doctor, engineer, pilot, officer, doctor, officer, doctor, pilot, engineer, doctor, pilot, officer, doctor, pilot, doctor, engineer.
Arrange the data in a table using tally marks.
Solution :
On arranging the given data in a table using tally marks, we get the following table:
Question 2.
Following are the choices of games of 40 students of Class VI : football, cricket, football, kho-kho, hockey, cricket, hockey, kho-kho, football, cricket, tennis, football, hockey, kho-kho, football, cricket, cricket, football, hockey, kho-kho, tennis, football, hockey, cricket, football, hockey, cricket, football, kho-kho, football, cricket, hockey, football.
(a) Arrange the choices of games in a table using tally marks.
(b) Which game is liked by most of the students ?
(c) Which game is liked by minimum number of students ?
Solution :
(a) Firstly, write the name of games in first column, then in second column and use tally marks to represent number of students liking corresponding games and in the third column write the number of students. Thus, we get the following table.
(b) By examining the above table, we see that the football is liked by most of the students, (i.e., 13 students).
(c) By examining the above table, we see that the tennis is liked by mipimum number of students (i.e., 4 students).
Question 3.
Fill in the blanks in the following table which represents shirt size of 40 students of a school.
Solution :
Question 4.
The following bar graph represents the data for different sizes of shoes worn by the students in a school. Read the graph and answer the following questions.
I. Find the number of students whose shoe sizes have been collected.
II. What is the number of students wearing shoe size 6 ?
III. What are the different sizes of the shoes worn by the students?
IV. Which shoe size is worn by the maximum number of students?
V. Which shoe size is worn by minimum number of students?
VI. State whether true or false: The total number of students wearing shoe sizes 5 and 8 is the same as the number of students wearing shoe size 6
Solution :
I. The number of students whose shoe sizes have been collected is (150+200+250+300+400)=1300
II. The number of students wearing shoe size 6 is 300 .
III. The different sizes of the shoes worn by the students is 4,5,6,7 and 8.
IV. 7 shoe size is worn by the maximum number of students
V. 8 shoe size is worn by minimum number of students
VI. False, The total number of students wearing shoe sizes 5 and 8 is 350 and the number of students wearing shoe size 6 is 300