How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English It So Happened

Here we are providing How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English It So Happened, Extra Questions for Class 8 English was designed by subject expert teachers.

How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Class 8 English It So Happened

How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
According to the story when the world had just begun which animals worked for the man and which did not ?
The dog, horse and ox worked for the man but camel did not work for him.

Question 2.
Why did the camel live in the desert ?
Camel lived in the desert because he did not want to work.

Question 3.
How did the camel respond when he was asked to work ?
The camel only ‘humphed’ and did not work.

Question 4.
When camel did not work what did the man ask the other three animals to do ?
Ans. He asked them to work double-time to make up for thework not done by the camel.

Question 5.
Who was Djinn ?
Djinn was incharge of all the deserts.

Question 6.
Why did the three animals go to the Djinn?
They went to the Djinn to complaint about the camel that he was not doing any work.

Question 7.
“Well,” said the Horse, “there’s a thing in the middle of your desert with a long neck and long legs….” Which ‘thing’ is the Horse referring to here ?
The Horse is referring to the camel.

Question 8.
What punishment did the Djinn give to the camel for not working and saying ‘Humph’?
He created a permanent ‘hump’ on camel’s back.

How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.
How was the camel different from other three animals ?
All the three animals worked for man – but the camel did not work. He lived alone in the middle of the desert. He was vain and admired his good looks.

Question 2.
Which animals worked for the man ? Why did he call them at the end of the day ?
The dog, ox and horse worked for the man. He called them to tell the camel can’t or won’t work so they would have to work double-time to make up for it.

Question 3.
Who was Djinn ? Why did the dog, ox and horse go to him ?
Djinn was in charge of all Deserts. The three animals went to him to complain about the camel who would not work and they had to do his share of work.

Question 4.
What assurance did the Djinn give to the three animals who complained him about the camel ?
He assured them that he would ask the camel to do his share of work and if he did not he would punish him.

Question 5.
When the Djinn met the camel, what was he doing ? What does his action reflect about him ?
The camel was looking at his reflection in the pool. It reflects that he was vain and admired his looks.

Question 6.
How did the camel get his hump ?
When the Djinn asked the camel to go to man and work like other animals, he said; “Humph”. The Djinn told him not to say “Humph’ but he repeated it. Then his back started putting up into a hump and the hump stayed there permanently.

Question 7.
When the camel asked how he could work with his hump, what did the Djinn reply ?
He replied that instead of being a hindrance (his hump will help him. It would store food and water for him and would enable him to work for many days without eating or drinking.

Question 8.
What message does the writer want to give through the story ‘How the camel got his Hump’ ?
It gives the message that one should not shirk work. Idleness not only makes a person lazy, passive and friendless but also leads to deformity of body or development of diseases.

How the Camel Got His Hump Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1.
‘What is the moral of the story ‘How the Camel got his Hump’ ?
‘Everyone should do his work seriously is the moral of the story ‘How the Camel got his hump.’ This imaginative story is about how the camel got its hump. It happened when the world was created. All animals were working for Man; but the camel did not want to. When someone asked him about it, he just said ‘Humph’. So, all animals complained to the Djinn. He called up the camel and asked about it. The camel replied, ‘Humph’. Immediately his back puffed up into a great big hump. The Djinn explained, “That’s your own humph that you’ve brought on yourself by not working.”

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