Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Extra Questions Materials Around Us
Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Materials Around Us Important Extra Questions and Answers
Materials Around Us Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Name two materials having lustre.
Gold, copper.
Question 2.
Which is more hard, sponge or iron?
Iron is harder than sponge.
Question 3.
Name two objects made from transparent materials.
Glass sheet, Acrylic
Question 4.
Name the property in which steel and sponge differ from each other.
Question 5.
Name one liquid which is miscible with water.
Question 6.
Which of the following liquids form a single layer on mixing ? Water and kerosene or water and glycerine.
Water and glycerine.
Question 7.
Is there any similarity in materials ?
Yes, all materials possess mass and occupy space.
Question 8.
Name two gases which dissolve in water to some extent.
Oxygen, carbondioxide.
Question 9.
Name two objects made from transparent materials.
Glass tumbler, spectacle glasses.
Question 10.
Name two objects made from opaque objects.
Brick, Book.
Materials Around Us Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Why is a tumbler not made with a piece of cloth ?
A tumbler made of cloth cannot hold a liquid because
- cloth piece is not hard enough to hold, liquids and
- cloth piece has very minute pores through which the liquid oozes out.
Question 2.
Name four objects which are made up of paper.
- Books
- Calendars
- Note books
- Envelope.
Question 3.
Name four objects which are made up of glass.
Tumbler, Mirror, Windows pane
Question 4.
Name four substances which have no lustre.
- Card board
- Rubber
- Plastic
- Wood.
Question 5.
Why we classify material into different groups?
Classification into different groups:
- makes it easier to work with them.
- helps us to learn their properties easily.
Question 6.
Why gold and silver are used in making of jewellery ?
Gold and silver are lustrous materials. The lustrous property of gold and silver is used for making jewellery.
Question 7.
Name two materials which are lighter than water and two which are heavier than water.
Materials lighter than water: Wood, plastic.
Materials heavier than water: Copper, stone.
Question 8.
Name two materials each which can be used for making (i) Chair, (ii) Stoes.
(i) Chair-Wood, plastic.
(ii) Shoes-Leather, Canvas.
Question 9.
Match the following things with the materials from which they are made:
Thing | Book | Tumbler | Chair | Toy |
Material | Glass | Wood | Paper | Leather |
Thing | Book | Tumbler | Chair | Toy |
Material | Paper | Glass | Wood | Leather |
Question 10.
How are transparent materials different from translucent materials.
Transparent materials | Translucent materials |
1. Materials through which we can see clearly are called transparent materials. | 1. Those materials’ through which we can not see clearly are called tanslucent materials. |
2. It allows light to pass through it. | 2. It allows only a part of light through it. |
Question 11.
A, B and C are three types of materials. The materials A and B can break into pieces easily when hot with an object but material C does not break easily. The material A is used in the windows of bathroom in our house where as material is used in the window of our drawing room. The material C is used in making doors and almirahs in our house.
(a) What do you think material A could be ?
(b) What could material B be ?
(c) What could material C be ?
(a) Ground glass
(b) clear glass
(c) wood.
Question 12.
Write three similarities between iron, copper and aluminium.
- They all are metals.
- They all have lustre.
- They all are hard.
Question 13.
Classify the following materials on the basis of their solubility or insolubility in water-chalk powder, alum, flour, sand and oil and alcohol.
Material soluble in water : Alcohol, alum.
Materials insoluble in water : Chalk powder, flour, Sand and coconut oil.
Question 14.
Classify the following into hard materials and soft materials: Cotton, Iron, wood, wax, bone and sponge.
Hard materials: Iron, wood, bone.
Soft materials: Cotton, wax, sponge.
Question 15.
A few things have been groups as follows: Identify the property common to all things in each group. Group-I : Glass, Cup, Bucket, Mug, Jug.
Group-II: Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold.
Group-III: Table, Chair, Doors, Bookrack
Group-I containers-all are made of plastic/ steel.
Group-II : All are metal.
Group-III : All are made of wood.
Question 16.
Write any two solids which are transparent two liquids which are transparent and two gases which are transparent.
Solid which are transparent: Glass, diamonds.
Liquids which are transparent : Water, alcohol.
Gases which are transparent: Oxygen, carbon dioxide.
Question 17.
There are three materials A, B and C when material A is held in front of our eyes. We cannot see anything at all. But when material B is held in front of our eyes, we can see everything through it clearly. On the other hand, when material C is held infront of our eyes, we can see through it only faintly, but not clearly:
(a) Which material is : (i) transparent, (ii) opaque and (iiii) translucent?
(b) Name one material each which behaves like (i) A, (ii) B and (iiii) C
(a) (i) B (ii) A (iii) C
(i) Card-board
(ii) Glass
(iii) Butter paper.
Question 18.
What is meant by trnaslucent materials? How will you convert a glass sheet into a translucent sheet ?
Those materials through which we cannot see clearly are called translucent materials. Following are the methods to convert glass sheet into a translucent sheet.
- By smearing a thin layer of oil on glass sheet.
- By covering a side of sheet by a butter paper.
Question 19.
Give an activity to find out whether the palm of our hand is transparent,translucent or opaque.
Take a torch and cover its glass with the palm of your hand in a dark room. Switch on the light of the torch and observe the other side of the palm. We can see some faint, red light through our palm. Since the palm allows some light to pass through it, so it is a translucent material.
Materials Around Us Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type
Question 1.
Describe an activity whether the given material is disappeared or dissolved in water.
Materials Required:Sugar, salt, chalk powder, sand and saw dust etc.
- Take five glasses or beaker.
- Fill each one of them about two-thirds with water.
- Add a few spoonfuls of sugar to the first glass, salt to the second glass and similarly.
- Add small amounts of the other substances into the other glasses.
- Stir the contents of each of them with a spoon.
- Observe after 1-2 minutes.
Substance | Disappears in water/does not disappear |
Salt | Disappears completely in water |
Sugar | Disappears completely in water |
Sand | Does not disappears |
Chalk Powder | Does not disappears |
Sawdust | Does not disappears |
- Sugar, salt completely dissolued.
- Sand, chalk powder, sand and saw dust are not dissolved in water.
Question 2.
Give an activity to find out whether the given material is soluble or insoluble in water.
Aim : To find out whether the given material is soluble or insoluble in water.
Materials Required : Vinegar, lemon juice, mustard oil, coconut oil and kerosene.
- Take a glass tumblar.
- Fill it up to half with water
- Add a few spoonfuls of one liquid to this and stir it well.
- Add 2-3ml of vinegar, lemon juice, mustard oil, coconut oil and kerosene each in separate glass tumblers.
- Stir each tumbler well and let it stard for five minutes. Repeat the same with other liquid.
- Let it stand for 5 minutes
Liquid | Mixed well/ Does not mix |
Vinegar | Mixes well |
Lemon juice | Mixes well |
Mustard oil | Does not mix |
Coconut oil | Does not mix |
Kerosene | Does not mix |
Conclusion :
1. Vinegar and water, lemon-juice and water form a single layer.
2. Mustard oil, coconut oil and kerosene and insoluble with water.
Question 3.
Discuss any five important properties of matter.
The advantages of classification/ grouping of things or materials are as under:
- Classification helps to understand similarities and dissimilarities among the objects.
- Classification helps location of things. It is only because of classification that you are able to locate a book that you need out of thousands in your school library.
- Classification of objects helps their identification.
- Classification makes study of different objects easy and more meaningful. Rather than studying each object separately, we can study just one out of each class of different objects and generalize our results for the class as a whole.
- Classification helps us to know the material of which the object is formed.
Question 4.
Make a table of different types of objects that are made from the same materials (any five).
S.No. | Material | Objects made of these materials |
1. | Wood | Table, chairs, doors, windows, book-rack. |
2. | Paper | Books, note-book, news paper, calendars, envelops |
3. | Leather | Sofa, shoes, bags, purses, |
4. | Glass | Tumbler, mirror, window, test-tube, beaker. |
5. | Iron | Nails, machines, utensils, pipes buckets. |
Question 5.
Make a table of five objects each of which is made of different kinds of materials.
Objects | Materials |
1. Chair | Wood, plastic, metal, concrete |
2. Coins | Copper, silver, gold |
3. Utensils | Copper, aluminium, iron, silver, stainless steel. |
4. Shoes | Leather, canvas, rubber, plastic. |
5. Clothes | Cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, wood |
Materials Around Us Class 6 Picture Based Questions
I. Observe the picture and answer the following questions:
Question 1.
What does the figure represent?
(a) Shapes
(b) Glasses
(c) Grouping
(d) None of these
(c) Grouping
Question 2.
On what bases we group objects?
(a) Materials used in making the object.
(b) Material of the object is soft or hard, or material is soluble or insoluble in water
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)
Question 3.
Why do we need to group materials?
We often group material for our convenience. It helps to describe their properties.
II. Observe the picture and answer the following questions:
Question 1.
What does the above figure represent?
(a) Two glass tumbler
(b) Different level of water
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)
Question 2.
What do you observe in the figure ?
The water in the first tumbler occupies less space, indicating the volume of water in this tumbler is less than the water in the other tumbler.
Question 3.
Define volume of matter. Give its S.I. unit.
The space occupied by matter is its volume. The S.I. unit for volume is cubic metre (m3)
Materials Around Us Class 6 Case Based Questions
Question 1.
What name is given to those materials
(a) through which we cannot see at all
(b) through which we can see clearly?
(a) opaque
(b) transparent.
Question 2.
Which one of the following is a transparent material ?
(a) Wood
(b) Air
(c) Brick
(d) Stone
(b) Air.
Question 3.
Classify the following into transparent and opaque materials :
Glass,-Air, Card-board, Stone, Polythene, Water, Book, Metals.
Transparent materials: Glass, Air, Polythene, Water.
Opaque materials : Card board, Stone, Book, Metals.
II. The materials through which objects can be seen, but not clearly, are known as translucent: Butter paper and frosted glass are examples of translucent materials.
I. The materials, through things can be seen clearly, are called transparent. Glass, water, air, cellophane paper, etc. are some examples of transparent materials. There are many materials through which you are not able to see at all. These materials are called opaque. Wood, cardboard and metals are examples of opaque materials.
1. Name the objects which are translucent.
(a) Butter paper
(b) Froasted glass
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)
Question 2.
Classify the following things as transparent and translucent :
(i) a window pane
(ii) butter paper
(iii) air
(iv) frosted glass
(v) oiled paper.
Transparent: A window pane, air.
Translucent : Butter paper, frosted glass, oiled paper.
Question 3.
The windows of bathrooms in our homes are made of translucent material called ground glass. Why?
The windows of bath room in our homes are made of translucent material, so that through some outside light may enter the bathroom but nothing is visible clearly from outside.