Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Materials Around Us Class 6 Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions

Class 6 Science Chapter 6 Materials Around Us Question Answer

Intext Questions

(Page no. 104)

Question 1.
Would it be a good idea to use paper like materials for making cooking utensils?
No. Paper-like materials are not suitable for making cooking utensils. Such materials cannot withstand high temperature of the flame and may burn. The liquid contents of the food will also soak the paper.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

(Page no. 107)

Question 2.
Are all lustrous materials metals?
All lustrous materials may not be metals. Somei materials can be made lustrous by polishing or coating them with a thin layer of plastic, wax or any other material which makes them look shiny.

(Page no. 110)

Question 3.
Is water transparent? Can it be made opaque?
Pure water is transparent. It can be made opaque by adding some other materials to it. For example, muddy water is opaque.

(Page no. 111)

Question 4.
Does everything you put in water disappear?
No. Everything we put in water does not disappear. Only the materials which are soluble in water disappear when mixed with water in limited amount.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

(Page no. 111)

Question 5.
Are there any properties which can be shown by all materials? If yes, what are those?
Yes, there are some properties which are shown by all materials. All material objects possess mass and occupy space.

Let Us Play

Question 1.
Find the companion:
Link the following words by putting arrows between words that have a connection:
Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 1
Iron → Solid
Transparent → Glass
Copper → Lustrous
Bottle → Plastic
Wood → Opaque

Question 2.
Win the ‘World-hub’. The following words from the chapter like lustrous, non-lustrous, soluble, insoluble, hard, soft, matter, mass, transparent, opaque, volume and translucent are picked up:

Luminous Non-luminous Soluble
Insoluble Hard Matter
Transparent Opaque Translucent
  • Luminous : A body which has light of its own, is called luminous. They have a shiny surface.
  • Non-luminous: A body which has no light of its own is called nonluminous. They do not have a shiny surface.
  • Soluble : The materials that dissolve in water are called soluble.
  • Insoluble : The materials that do dissolved in water are called insoluble.
  • Hard : Those materials which cannot be easily compressed, cut bent or scratch are called hard.
  • Matter : Anything that occupies space and has mass is called matter.
  • Transparent : The materials, through which things can be seen clearly, are called transparent.
  • Opaque : The materials, through which we cannot see at all are called opaque materials.
  • Translucent : Those materials through which we can not see clearly are called translucent materials.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Let Us Enhance Our Learning

Question 1.
Visit your kitchen and observe how your parents have organised various edibles. Can you susggest a better sorting method ? Write in your notebook.
Edibles, such as biscuits, toffees, jams and pickels, etc. should be stored on one cabinet of the kitchen.

Question 2.
Unscramble the letter (Column I) and match their properties (Column II).

Column I Column II
(a) Object can be seen clearly through it
(b) Occupies space and has mass
(c) Shiny surface
(d) Mixes comple­tely with water.


Column I Column II
1.     MATTER
2.     SOLUBLE
4.     LUSTRE
(b)   Occupies space and has mass.
(d) Mixes completely in water
(a) Objects can be seen clearly through it
(c)   Shiny surface.

Question 3.
The containers which are used to store materials in shops and at home are usually transparent. Give your reasons for this.
The containers which are used to store materials in shops and at home are usually transparent, so that we can see these items easily.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Question 4.
State whether the statements given below are True (T) or False (F). Correct the False statement(s) :
(i) Wood is translucent while glass is opaque.
(ii) Aluminium foil has lustre while an eraser does not.
(iii) Sugar dissolves in water whereas sawdust does not.
(iv) An apple is a matter because it occupies no space and has mass.
(i) False-Wood is opaque while glass is transparent.
(ii) True
(iii) True
(iv) False-An apple is a matter because it occupies space and has mass.

Question 5.
We see chairs made of various materials, such as wood, iron, plastic, bamboo, cement and stones. Following are some desirable properties of materials which can be used to make chairs. Which materials used to make chairs fulfill these properties the most?
(i) Hardness (does not bend or shake on sitting even after long use).
(ii) Light’ weight (easy to lift or to take from one place to another).
(iii) – Does not feel very cold when sitting during winters.
(iv) Can be cleaned regularly and made to look new even after long use.
(i) Iron, cement and stones
(ii) Plastic and bamboo
(iii) Wood and bamboo
(iv) Plastic, iron, cement and stones

Question 6.
You need to have containers for collection of (i) food waste (ii) broken glass and (iii) wastepaper. Which materials will you choose for containers of these types of waste? What properties of materials do you need to think of?
(i) Food waste – Material – Plate
Property – Light weight

(ii) Broken glass – Material – Iron
Property – Hardness

(iii) Waste paper – Material
– Bamboo
Property – Light weight

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Question 7.
Air is all round us but does not hinder us from seeing each other. Whereas, if a wooden door comes in between, we cannot see each other. It is because air is ……….. and the wooden door is ……….. . Choose the most appropriate option.
(i) transparent, opaque
(ii) translucent, transparent
(iii) opaque, translucent
(iv) transparent, translucent
(i) transparent, opaque.

Question 8.
Imagine you have two mysterious materials, X and Y. When you try to press material X, it feels rigid and does not change its shape easily. On the other hand, material Y easily changes its shape its shape when you press it. Now, when you mix both materials in water, only materials X dissolves completely while material Y remains unchanged. What can materials X and Y be ? Can you identify whether material X is hard or soft? What about material Y? Justify your answer.
X can be sugar crystal and Y can be rubber block.
The material X is hard.
The material Y is soft.

Question 9.
Who am I ? Identify me on the basis of the giving properties :
(a) I have lustre. ……………..
(b) I can easily compressed. ……………..
(c) I am hard ans soluble in water, ……………..
(d) You cannot see clearly through me. ……………..
(e) I have mass and volume but you can see me, ……………..
(a) Diamond
(b) Sponge
(c) Alum
(d) Frosted glass
(e) Air

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Question 10.
You are provided with the following materials-Vinegar, honey, mustard oil, water, glucose and wheat flour. Make any two pairs of materials where one materials is soluble in the other. Now, make make two pairs of materials where one material remains insoluble in the other material.
Two pairs of materials where one material is soluble in the other.

  • Vinegar and water
  • Glucose and water

Two pairs of materials where one material remains insoluble in the other material.

  • Mustard oil and water
  • Wheat flour and water.


Aim : To make a list of objects you see around and also write the names of the material they are made up of.

Procedure :

  • Just move around in your house.
  • Identify one object and material they are made up of.


Observe Materials they are made up of
1.     Chair

2.     Clothes

3.     Coins

4.     Utensils

5.  Shoes

Wood, metal, plastic, concrete.

Cotton, nylon, polyester, wool, silk.

Copper, silver, gold.

Copper, iron, aluminium, stainless steel, silver. Leather, canvas, rubber, plastics.

Conclusion : Objects are made up of various materials.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Activity 2.

Aim : To group objects shown in Fig. 1. based on any common property such as shape, colour, hardness, softness, shine, dullness or materials they are made of.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 2


Objects Materials
1.     Hammer
2.     Lock and keys
3.     Spoon
4.     Ruler
5.     Flower pot
6.     Nails
Plastic, paper Iron

Conclusion : An object can be made from different materials and some materials can be used to make more than one object.

Activity 3.

Aim : To identify different materials which may be used to make a tumbler.
Procedure: Fill in the names of the materials in the spaces provided in Fig. 2.


Objects Materials
Tumbler (i) Iron
(ii) Copper
(iii) Aluminium
(iv) Silver
(v) Stainless steel.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 3

Conclusion: An object is made of one or more

We choose a material to make an object depending on the properties and the purpose for which the object is to be used. The materials that are required to make a tumbler should be capable of holding water.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Activity 4.

Aim: To classify the materials on the basis of their property, how high they bounce.

Material Required : Tennis ball, cricket ball, hand exercise ball.

Procedure :

  • Take ball and drop it from a fixed height.
  • Note the height to which the ball bounce and record it.
  • Identify the ball that achieves the highest bounce.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 4


Ball Bounces (high, medium, low)
Tennis ball High
Cricket ball Medium
Hand exercise ball Low

Conclusion : Materials may be classified on the basis of their properties.
In the kitchen, we usually store things in such a manner that similar utensils are placed together. Similarly, a grocer usually keeps all types of spices in one corner, pulses and grains in another corner and so on.

Activity 5.

Aim: To classify the given objects on the basis of their hardness.
Material Required: Brick, water bottle, pillow, tumbler, table, sweater, etc.

Procedure :

  • Hold the given objects with your hands.
  • Feel whether the objects are hard or soft.
  • Find out the materials they are made up of.


Object Hard / soft Materials
Brick Hard Baked clay
Water bottle Hard Plastic
Pillbw Soft Cotton
Table Hard Wood
Sweater Soft Wool
Tumbler Hard Glass, Plastics

Conclusion : Brick, water bottle, table, tumbler are hard while pillow, sweater are soft.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Activity 6.

Aim : Classify the following objects as transparent, translucent or a opaque.

Materials Required: Glass tumbler, butter paper, eraser, frosted glass, wooden board and window glass.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 5

1. Close the window and doors of your room.
2. Switch off the lights.
3. Leave a small gap (slit) in the window facing sun. Now place the one by one, all the materials given to you.
4. Divide these into separate groups depending upon their behaviour towards light.

  • If a material allows all the light to pass through it, it is called transparent.
  • If the material does not allow any light to pass through it, it is called opaque.
  • If the material allows only a part of light to pass through it, it is called translucent.

Observation :

Transparent Translucent Opaque
Glass tumbler
Window glass
Butter paper
Frosted glass
Wooden board


  • Glass tumbler and window glass are transparent.
  • Butter paper and Frosted glass are translucent.
  • Eraser and wooden board are opaque.

Activity 7.

Aim : To explore whether the given material is soluble or insoluble in water.
Materials Required: Small amounts of sugar, salt, chalk powder, sand, sawdust, glass tumblers (5), water.


  • Collect small amounts of sugar, salt, chalk powder, sand and sawdust.
  • Take five glass tumblers and full them about two-third with water.
  • Put a teaspoonful of sugar in the first glass tumbler, salt in the second one, chalk powder in the third, sand in the fourth and saw dust in the fifth glass tumbler.
  • Use a spoon to stir well the contents of each glass tumbler.
  • Wait for a few minutes and watch what happens.


Material Prediction Observation
Will disappear in water/will not disappear in water Disappears in water / does not disappear in water
Sugar Will disappear in water Disappears in water
Salt Will disappear in water Disappears in water
Chalk Powder Will not disappear in water Does not disappear in water
Sand Will not disappear in water Does not disappear in water
Saw dust Will not disappear in water Does not appear in water.

Result :

  • Sugar and salt are soluble in water.
  • Chalk powder, sand and sawdust are insoluble in water.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6

Activity 8.

Aim : To classify the materials on the basis of their heaviness.
Materials Required: Three identical paper cups (or bowls), water, sand, pebbles.

Materials Around Us Class 6 Question Answer Science Chapter 6 6

  • Take three identical paper cups.
  • Fill one cup half with water and mark is as ‘A’, second with sand and mark it as ‘B’ and the third with pebbles and mark is as ‘ C ‘.
  • Predict which one would be heavier and which one would be lighter.
  • Weigh each cup using a balance.
  • Compare the data and infer which is heavier of lighter.


Paper cups Mass
1. Paper cup half filled water. 50 g
2. Paper cup half filled with sand 85 g
3. Paper cup half filled with pebbles. 75 g


Sand is heavier
Water is lighter

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