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Writing and City Life Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers
I. Choose the right answer from the following
Question 1.
Mesopotamian weapons were prominently made of
(a) bronze.
(b) copper.
(c) stone.
(d) iron.
Answer: (a) bronze.
Question 2.
The technological landmark witnessed by the urban economy of the city of Uruk was
(a) bronze tools.
(b) construction of brick columns.
(c) potter’s wheel.
(d) oil pressing technique.
Answer: (c) potter’s wheel.
Question 3.
In the 2000 BCE, the city that flourished as the royal capital of Mesopotamia was
(a) Ur.
(b) Mari.
(c) Mohenjodaro.
(d) Kalibangan.
Answer: (b) Mari.
Question 4.
The Mesopotamian ruler who became the king of Akkad, in 2370 BCE, was
(a) Enmerkar
(b) Gilgamesh
(c) Hamurabi
(d) Sargon
Answer: (d) Sargon
Question 5.
Inanna was the Goddess of
(a) the Moon
(b) love and War
(c) wind
(d) fire
Answer: (b) love and War
Question 6.
The earliest temples in Southern Mesopotamia were built in
(a) c.4000 BCE
(b) c.5000 BCE
(c) c.6000 BCE
(d) c.7000 BCE
Answer: (b) c.5000 BCE
Question 7.
The Mesopotamian city, which was systematically excavated in the 1930s, was
(a) Uruk.
(b) Ur.
(c) Mari.
(d) Nineveh.
Answer: (b) Ur.
Question 8.
The Achaemenids of Iran conquered Babylon in
(a) 639 BCE.
(b) 539 BCE.
(c) 439 BCE.
(d) 339 BCE.
Answer: (b) 539 BCE.
Question 9.
The King who released Babylonia from Assyrian domination in 625 BCE was
(a) Alexander.
(b) Nabonidus.
(c) Nabopolassar.
(d) Sargon.
Answer: (c) Nabopolassar.
Question 10.
War captives and local people who were put to work for the temple or for the ruler were paid
(a) bronze tools.
(b) cattle.
(c) coins.
(d) rations.
Answer: (d) rations.
Question 11.
In ______ part of South Iran, the first cities and writing emerged.
(a) plain
(b) deserted
(c) mountainous
(d) hilly
Answer: (b) deserted
Question 12.
Agriculture of southern ______ was the most productive.
(a) Iran
(b) China
(c) Mesopotamia
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c) Mesopotamia
Question 13.
Which region is important to Europeans because of references to it in the Old Testament,
(a) Iran
(b) Turkey
(c) Syria
(d) Mesopotamia
Answer: (d) Mesopotamia
Question 14.
From which word Cuneiform is derived from?
(a) Latin
(b) Greek
(c) Chinese
(d) Mayan
Answer: (a) Latin
Question 15.
Which language replaced the Sumerian language after 2400 BCE?
(a) Mesopotamian language
(b) Akkadian language
(c) Chinese language
(d) Middle Eastern language
Answer: (b) Akkadian language
Question 16.
With which person the first event of Sumerian trade is associated?
(a) The ancient ruler of Uruk City, Enmerkar.
(b) The ancient ruler of Lebanon City, Enmerkar.
(c) The ancient ruler of Nile City, Enmerkar.
(d) The ancient ruler of Aral City, Enmerkar.
Answer: (a) The ancient ruler of Uruk City, Enmerkar.
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the following sentences
Question 1.
When we talk about writing or a script, we mean that spoken sounds are represented in …………….
Answer: visible signs
Question 2.
Regular exchanges are possible only when there was a …………….
Answer: social organization
Question 3.
List of goods that were brought into Uruk was that of ……………
Answer: oxen, fish and bread loaves
Question 4.
The writing used in Mesopotamian civilizations was in …………….
Answer: Cuneiform
Question 5.
Ivanna was the goddess of ……………..
Answer: love and war
Question 6.
Mesopotamian country side saw repeated …………….. over land and water.
Answer: conflicts
Question 7.
In the long run, the wheel enables ……………… to mass produce.
Answer: a potter’s workshop
Question 8.
In Mesopotamia, cylindrical stone seals pierced down the centre were fitted with a ………………
Answer: stick
Question 9.
Nomadic communities viz …………….. and Aramaeans came down into prosperous agricultural land to graze their cattle.
Answer: Akkadians, Amorites, Assyrians
Question 10.
Moving narratives can be transmitted orally but …………….. requires written texts that generations of scholars can read and build upon.
Answer: science.
III. Write false or true against the following statements
Question 1.
The division of labour is not necessary in urban settlements.
Answer: False
Question 2.
Iraqi date-palm and poplar was the best suitable for manufacture of carts, cart wheels and boats.
Answer: False
Question 3.
An organized trade and storage is needed in order to supply raw material to the manufacturing industries.
Answer: True
Question 4.
The first Mesopotamian tablets written around 3200 BCE contained picture like signs and numbers.
Answer: True
Question 5.
There is no necessity for transport in order to provide the masses with craft trade and services.
Answer: False
Question 6.
Enmerkar was interested in getting lapis lazuli and precious metals imported from Aratia.
Answer: True
Question 7.
It can not be inferred that in Mesopotamia, it was kingship that organized the trade and writing.
Answer: False
Question 8.
Temples were the first structures which gradually inspired Mesopotamian to settle in city and construct palaces as we see in Mari, the capital town.
Answer: True
Question 9.
Steles are stone slabs with inscriptions or carvings.
Answer: True
Question 10.
The palace at Mari was spread on an area of 61.8 hectares.
Answer: False
IV. Match the following columns appropriately
Column A | Column B |
(i) 1st Century CE | (a) Cuneiform script developed |
(ii) 2370 BCE | (b) Mari and Babylon emerged as Urban Centres |
(iii) 3000 BCE | (c) First written clay tablet |
(iv) 7000 – 6000 BCE | (d) Sumerian replaced by Akkadian |
(v) 1850 | (e) Earliest temple built. |
(vi) 2600 BCE | (f) Akkadian and Cuneiform script remain in use. |
(vii) 3200 BCE | (g) Cunieform script deciphered |
(viii) 5000 BCE | (h) Sargon, king of Akkad |
(ix) 2400 BCE | (i) Beginning of agriculture |
(x) 2000 BCE | (j) Uruk developed into a huge city |
Column A |
Column B |
(i) 1st Century CE | (f) Akkadian and Cuneiform script remain in use. |
(ii) 2370 BCE | (h) Sargon, king of Akkad |
(iii) 3000 BCE | (j) Uruk developed into a huge city |
(iv) 7000 – 6000 BCE | (i) Beginning of agriculture |
(v) 1850 | (g) Cunieform script deciphered |
(vi) 2600 BCE | (a) Cuneiform script developed |
(vii) 3200 BCE | (c) First written clay tablet |
(viii) 5000 BCE | (e) Earliest temple built. |
(ix) 2400 BCE | (d) Sumerian replaced by Akkadian |
(x) 2000 BCE | (b) Mari and Babylon emerged as Urban Centres |
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