MCQ Questions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 6 Judiciary with Answers

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Judiciary Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
The number of Judges is Supreme Court of India is
(a) 26
(b) 30
(c) 18
(d) 25


Answer: (a) 26

Question 2.
Which is not the issue of original jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India
(a) Dispute of fundamental rights
(b) Dispute between States
(c) Interpretation of the constitution
(d) To give opinion to president


Answer: (d) To give opinion to president

Question 3.
Where is H.Q. of Supreme Court of India
(a). New Delhi
(b) Mumbai
(c) Bangalore
(d) Kolkata


Answer: (a) New Delhi

II. Fill up the blanks

Question 1.
Supreme Court has …………. Judges.


Answer: 26

Question 2.
The retirement age of Judges of Supreme Courts is …………. years


Answer: 65

Question 3.
Under Art …………… Supreme Court has advisory jurisdiction.


Answer: 143 of the Indian Constitution

Question 4.
Under ………….. jurisdiction Supreme Court listens the disputes related with Fundamental Rights


Answer: original

Question 5.
Justice ………… played pioneer role in the development of Public Interest Litigation case.


Answer: P.N. Bhagwati

III. True/ False questions

Question 1.
Indian judiciary is integrated judiciary.


Answer: True

Question 2.
Judges are appointed by the President.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Supreme Court has 30 Judges and one Chief Justice.


Answer: False

Question 4.
The retirement age of judges of High Court in 62 years


Answer: True

Question 5.
Indian Judiciary is subordinate to executive.


Answer: False

Question 6.
Power of Judicial review is taken from America.


Answer: True

Question 7.
Supreme Court has advisory jurisdiction.


Answer: True

Question 8.
PIL stands for Public Interest Litigation


Answer: True

Question 9.
The Judges cannot be removed from office.


Answer: False

Question 10.
Judiciary protects the Fundamental Rights.


Answer: True

IV. Matching questions

Column A Column B
1. To listen to the appeals of lower court i. Public interest litigation
2. To test the constitutional validity of the laws ii. Lok Adalat
3. To settle the disputes directly at the local level iii. Judicial activism
4. To work beyond the jurisdection iv. Appellate jurisdiction
5. To lake up the other cases v. Judicial review


Column A Column B
1. To listen to the appeals of lower court iv. Appellate jurisdiction
2. To test the constitutional validity of the laws v. Judicial review
3. To settle the disputes directly at the local level ii. Lok Adalat
4. To work beyond the jurisdection iii. Judicial activism
5. To lake up the other cases i. Public interest litigation

V. One Word Answers

Question 1.
Who appoints the Judges in Supreme Court of India?


Answer: President of India appoints the judges in the Supreme Court of India.

Question 2.
What is total strength of Judges in Supreme Court?


Answer: 26

Question 3.
What is the retirement age of a Judges of Supreme Court?


Answer: 65 years

Question 4.
What is the retirement age of Judges of High Court?


Answer: 62 years

Question 5.
From where we took the power of Judicial review?


Answer: U.S.A.

Question 6.
Who is at present the Chief Justice of India?


Answer: Y.K. Sabharwal

Question 7.
How the judges can be removed from office?


Answer: By impeachment

Question 8.
What is original jurisdiction?


Answer: When a case is taken direct to the Supreme Court.

Question 9.
Under which article President seek’s advice from Supreme Court?


Answer: Art 143

Question 10.
Which case is known as the basic structure theory case?


Answer: Keshwa Nand Bharti case 1973.

Question 11.
What was the decision in Golak Nath Case 1967?


Answer: The Parliament cannot amend Fundamental Rights.

Question 12.
What is PIL?


Answer: PIL stands for Public Interest Litigation

Question 13.
Which article deals with the amendment of the constitution?


Answer: Art 368

Question 14.
In which year Minerva Mill case was decided?


Answer: 1980

Question 15.
Who first of all gave acceptance to PIL?


Answer: Justice P.N. Bhagwati in 1984

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