NCERT Class 8 History Chapter 8 MCQs Questions with Answers

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Civilising the Native, Educating the Nation Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 8 Exams can download MCQ on Civilising the Native, Educating the Nation Class 8 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 8 History Chapter 8 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 8 SST History Chapter 8 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
1. Name the person who arrived in Calcutta in 1783 and was appointed as junior judge at the Supreme Court.
(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Lord Comwalis
(c) William Jones
(d) Henry Thomas


Answer: (c) William Jones

Question 2.
Those with a scholarly knowledge of the language and culture of Asia were known as:
(a) Vernacular
(b) Orientalists
(c) Anglicists
(d) Munshi


Answer: (b) Orientalists

Question 3.
Hindu College was established in Benaras in:
(a) 1781
(b) 1773
(c) 1777
(d) 1791


Answer: (d) 1791

Question 4.
Charles Wood despatch was also known as:
(a) Wood’s Despatch
(b) Wood’s Commission
(c) Macaulay Committee
(d) Court of Directors


Answer: (a) Wood’s Despatch

Question 5.
In 1830’s a Scottish missionary who toured the districts of Bengal and Bihar was:
(a) Williams Carey
(b) William Adam
(c) Thomas Babington
(d) Charles Wood.


Answer: (b) William Adam

Question 6.
What would you call a person who knows several languages ?
(a) Biographer
(b) Linguist
(c) Biolinguist
(d) Translator


Answer: (b) Linguist

Question 7.
Complete by choosing the most appropriate word from the following list of options. The introduction of ………………………….. brought with it ideas of democracy, liberty, fraternity among the minds of Indians
(a) Western education
(b) Subsidiary alliance
(c) Doctrine of Lapse
(d) Expansion policies


Answer: (a) Western education

Question 8.
Who started the journal Asiatick Researches?
(a) Henry Thomas Colebrooke
(b) Warren Hastings
(c) William Jones
(d) Max Muller


Answer: (c) William Jones

Question 9.
The temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay. Who said these words about the Calcutta Madrasa and Benares Sanskrit College?
(a) Lord William Bentick
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Lord Ripon
(d) Lord Macaulay


Answer: Lord Macaulay

Question 10.
How did the European learning improve the moral character of Indians?
(a) It would expand the trade and commerce
(b) It would make them truthful and honest
(c) It would make the Indians realize the importance of developing resources of the country
(d) It would make them change their tastes and desires and create a demand for British goods


Answer: (d) It would make them change their tastes and desires and create a demand for British goods

Question 11.
Tagore wanted to combine the elements of ……………………. with traditional Indian Education.
(a) Eastern Education
(b) Western Education
(c) religious education
(d) Local education


Answer: (b) Western Education

Question 12.
Rural ……………………… which accepted new rules were supported through government grants by the Company.
(a) Pathshalas
(b) Shops
(c) temples
(d) colleges


Answer: (a) Pathshalas

Question 13.
The ……………………. established the University of Bombay.
(a) British
(b) French
(c) Dutch
(d) German


Answer: (a) British

Question 14.
…………………… is situated on the banks of river Hooghly.
(a) Madras
(b) Calcutta
(c) Delhi
(d) Lahore


Answer: (b) Calcutta

Question 15.
…………………… had argued that English education had enslaved Indians
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Raja Rammohan Roy
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) Rasbehari Bose


Answer: (a) Mahatma Gandhi

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. William Jones was a linguist who has studied Greek and Latin at Oxford, knew French and English.


Answer: True

2. Madrasa was set up in Benaras in 1781 to promote the study of Arabic, Persia and Islamic law.


Answer: False

3. Munshi is a person who can read, write and teach Persian.


Answer: True

4. In 1858, The Court of Director of East India Company in London sent an Educational Despatch to the Governor-General in India.


Answer: False

5. Adam, the Scottish missionary found that there were over 1 Lakh pathshalas in Bengal and Bihar.


Answer: True

Match the following


Column-I Column-II
1. Macaulay’s minute (a) Santiniketan
2. William Adams (b) English Education Act of 1835
3. Rabindranath Tagore (c) Hindu College
4. 1791 in Benaras (d) junior judge at the Supreme Court
5. William Jones (e) Scottish missionary


Column-I Column-II
1. Macaulay’s minute (b) English Education Act of 1835
2. William Adams (e) Scottish missionary
3. Rabindranath Tagore (a) Santiniketan
4. 1791 in Benaras (c) Hindu College
5. William Jones (d) junior judge at the Supreme Court

Fill in the blanks

1. Wood’s Despatch also argued that European learning would improve the ……………………… characters of


Answer: moral

2. Mahatma Gandhi argued that colonial education created a sense of ……………………… in the minds of Indians.


Answer: inferiority

3. In many senses Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi thought about ……………………… in similar ways.


Answer: education

4. Someone who knows and studies several ……………………… is linguist.


Answer: languages

5. William Jones set up ……………………… Society of Bengal.


Answer: Asiatic

6. James Mill was one of those who attacked the ……………………… .


Answer: orientalists

Picture Based Questions

1. Who was Henry Thomas Cookbrooke?
MCQ Questions for Class 8 History Chapter 8


He was a scholar of Sanskrit and ancient sacred writings of Hinduism.

2. Whom does the monument belong to?
MCQ Questions for Class 8 History Chapter 8


Monument belongs to Warren Hastings.

3. Along with whom is Mahatma Gandhi sitting with.
MCQ Questions for Class 8 History Chapter 8


He is sitting with Kasturba Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.

4. What does the picture shows?
MCQ Questions for Class 8 History Chapter 8


The picture shows a class in progress in Santiniketan in the 1930’s.

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