MCQ Questions for Class 9 History Chapter 5 Pastoralists in the Modern World with Answers

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Pastoralists in the Modern World Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 9 Exams can download MCQ on Pastoralists in the Modern World Class 9 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 9 History Chapter 5 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 9 SST History Chapter 5 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh the dry plateau was covered with stone and grass inhabited by:
(a) Cattle herders
(b) Goat herders
(c) Sheep herders
(d) Camel herders


Answer: (c) Sheep herders
The sheep herders inhabited the dry plateau in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

Question 2.
Who were Gollas?
(a) Cattle herded tribe of dry central plateau region.
(b) Sheep herded tribe of dry central plateau region.
(c) Camel herded tribe of dry central plateau region.
(d) Goat herded tribe of dry central plateau region.


Answer: (a) Cattle herded tribe of dry central plateau region.
Gollas were cattle herded tribe of dry central plateau region.

Question 3.
Banjaras are well-known groups of graziers and found in the villages of:
(i) Madhya Pradesh (ii) Punjab (iii) Rajasthan (iv) Uttar Pradesh (v) Maharashtra (vi) Haryana
(a) (i), (v), (vi)
(b) (ii), (v), (vi)
(c) (i), (ii), (iii), (v)
(d) (iv), (v), (vi)


Answer: (c) (i), (ii), (iii), (v)
Banjaras were well known groups of graziers and found in the villages of all the above.

Question 4.
Which of the following is the immediate impact of the colonial rule on the life of the pastoralists?
(a) Their grazing ground increased
(b) They were paid rent free land
(c) Their agriculture stock increased
(d) Their grazing ground shrunked and their agricultural stock, trade and crafts were adversley affected.


Answer: (d) Their grazing ground shrunked and their agricultural stock, trade and crafts were adversley affected.
By the colonial rule the life of the pastoralists were adversely affected. Their grazing ground shrunked and agricultural stock, trade and crafts were affected.

Question 5.
The colonial Government in India in 1871 enacted an Act. Name it.
(a) Forest Conservation Act
(b) The Criminal Tribal Act
(c) The Scientific Forestry
(d) The Tribal Act


Answer: (b) The Criminal Tribal Act
In 1871, the colonial government enacted an act called ‘The Criminal Tribal Act’. Other Acts were introduced in different years.

Question 6.
Nomads are the people:
(a) who do not live at one place but move from one to another to earn their living.
(b) who temporary shift from one place to another.
(c) who live at one place and move from place to place to earn their living.
(d) who are very brave.


Answer: (a) who do not live at one place but move from one to another to earn their living.
People who move from one place to another to earn their livings are called nomads.

Question 7.
Which tribe did not evolve pastoral activity in South Africa?
(a) Massai
(b) Gonds
(c) Boran
(d) Turkene


Answer: (b) Gonds
Gonds did not evolve pastoral activity in South Africa. They were an Indian tribe.

Question 8.
Which tribe combined cultivators with pastoralism in India?
(a) Raikas
(b) Maru
(c) Gujjars
(d) Gaddi


Answer: (a) Raikas
Raikas combined cultivators with pastoralism in India.

Question 9.
What is referred as Bhabar?
(a) A wet forest area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kumaun.
(b) A moderate area having plenty of vegetation.
(c) A dry area which is sparsely populated.
(d) A dry forest area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kamaun.


Answer: (d) A dry forest area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kamaun.
A dry forest area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kamaun was known as Bhabar.

Question 10.
Gaddi Shepherds came down from the high meadow in:
(a) September
(b) February
(c) October
(d) Mid of October.


Answer: (a) September
During the month of September Gaddi Shepherds came down from the high meadows.

Question 11.
For what Maru tribe is well known?
(a) For plantation agriculture
(b) For sheep rearing
(c) For camel herding
(d) For cyclic seasonal movement


Answer: (c) For camel herding
Maru tribe is well known for camel herding.

Question 12.
The population of Dhangars pastoral community in Maharashtra is about:
(a) 467500
(b) 476500
(c) 476500
(d) 467000


Answer: (d) 467000
The population of Dhangars pastoral community in Maharashtra is about 467000.

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir are great herders of goat and sheep.


Answer: True

2. The Gaddi shepherds of Punjab had a similar cycle of seasonal movement of the Gujjars.


Answer: False

3. Bhabar is a dry forested area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kumaun.


Answer: True

4. Dhangars were an important pastoral community of Himachal Pradesh.


Answer: False

5. After the Kharif harvest was cut at this time, the fields had to be fertilised and made ready for rabi harvest.


Answer: True

6. Banjaras were as a well-known group of graziers.


Answer: True

7. The Raikas lived in the deserts of Rajasthan.


Answer: True

8. One group of Raikas – known as the Maru Raikas – herded sheep and goal.


Answer: False

9. In 1881, the colonial government in India passed the Criminal Tribes Act.


Answer: False

10. Between 1850s and 1880s, the right to collect the tax was auctioned out to contractors.


Answer: True

11. The nomadic pastoralists grazed their animals in one area and moved to another area.


Answer: True

12. After 1947, the camel and sheep herding Raikas, could move into Sindh and graze their camels on the banks of the Indus.


Answer: False

13. Over 22 million African, ever today, depend on some form of pastoral activity for their livelihood.


Answer: True

14. Most of pastoral population in Africa, live in the arid grasslands or deserts where rainfed agriculture is difficult.


Answer: False

Match the following


Column A Column B
(a) Gujjar Bakarwals 1. Himachal Pradesh
(b) Gaddi shepherds 2. Rajasthan
(c) Dhangars 3. Africa
(d) Raikas 4. Maharashtra
(e) Bedoguins 5. Jammu and Kashmir


Column A Column B
(a) Gujjar Bakarwals 5. Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Gaddi shepherds 1. Himachal Pradesh
(c) Dhangars 4. Maharashtra
(d) Raikas 2. Rajasthan
(e) Bedoguins 3. Africa

Fill in the blanks

1. By April, the Gujjar shepherds moved north and spent the summer in Lahul and …………….


Answer: Spilts

2. ……………. and vast meadows in the high mountains.


Answer: Bugyal

3. The ……………. could not tolerate the wet monsoon conditions.


Answer: Sheep

4. In the deserts of Rajasthan lived the ……………. .


Answer: Raikas

5. The colonial state wanted to transform all ……………. lands into cultivated land.


Answer: Grazing

6. ……………. could no longer remain in an area if the storage was available, and the undergrowth in the forest was ample.


Answer: Pastoralists

7. To expand them revenue, the colonial government looked for every possible source of …………….


Answer: Taxtation

8. As ……………. disappeared under the plotigh, the existing animal stock had to feed on whatever grazing land remained.


Answer: Pasture land

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