Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 3

Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Extra Questions Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body

Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Important Extra Questions and Answers

Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What is food ?
Food is a substance eaten by us to do work, grow, maintain our body and remain healthy.

Question 2.
Name two traditional locally grown crops in Punjab state.

  • Maize
  • wheat.

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Question 3.
Name any two traditional food items eaten in Manipur state of our country.
Rice, Morok Metpa.

Question 4.
Name any two traditional food items eaten in Gujarat state our country.
Thepla, Khandavi.

Question 5.
If equal quantities of sugar and butter are consumed as food, which of these two will provide more energy ?
Butter will provide more energy.

Question 6.
Name one disease each caused by deficiency of vitamin D and vitamin C respectively.
(i) Vitamin D deficiency disease : Rickets (in children)
(ii) Vitamin C deficiency disease: Scurvy.

Question 7.
In addition to calcium, which other mineral is needed for making bones and teeth ?

Question 8.
If any food item gives blue-black colour with iodine, then which nutrient is present in the food.

Question 9.
A doctor examined a patient, and advised him to take more lemon, orange and amla in his diet. Write any two symptoms the doctor might have noticed in the patient.
(i) Swelling and bleeding of gums.
(ii) Loosening of teeth.

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Question 10.
A patient was advised to take more of butter yellow vegetables and fruits in his diet. Which vitamin deficiency has he been suffering from ?
Vitamin-A deficiency.

Question 11.
What is the cause of the disease known as beri-beri ?
Deficiency of vitamin B.

Question 12.
How do you know that you are hungry?
We can feel the urge to eat in our stomach when we are hungry.

Question 13.
Why is there diversity in food in different states of India?
There is diversity in food in different states of India because of diversity in soil, climate, culture, traditions, ethnic groups and occupations.

Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
A doctor advised one of his patients to stop taking fried and only fruits. Name the disease and mention two symptoms of it.
The patient is suffereing from a disease called obesity. Its symptoms are :

  • The patient must be over-weight.
  • The patient must be having high blood pressure.

Question 2.
What chemical test would you perform to detect the presence of starch in the given foodstuff ?
The given food stuff is taken in a test tube and a few drops of dilute iodine solution are added to it. Appearance of a blue-black colour shows the presence of starch in the given food stuff.

Question 3.
Why is a carbohydrates rich food more necessary for the people doing hard physical work?
A carbohydrate rich food is more necessary for the people doing hard physical work because it provides extra energy required for doing hard physical work.

Question 4.
Which vitamin is formed by our body with the help of sun-light? What is the disease caused by the deficiency of this vitamin?
Vitamin D is formed by our body with the help of sunlight. The disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in children is rickets which in adults it is ostomalena.

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Question 5.
A doctor has advised his patient to reduce fluorine content in his diet. Write any two symptoms that the doctor might have noticed in the patient.

  • Discolouring of teeth enamel.
  • Abnormal calcification of bones.

Question 6.
Write any two wasteful cooking practicals which lead to the loss of nutrients.
(i) Cooking the food at high temperature and
(ii) Throwing away water in which food is first boiled.

Question 7.
Why are roughage and water important part of a balanced diet ?
(i) Roughage helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system by adding bowel movement.
(ii) Water helps in the process of digestion, transport of nutrients and excretion of body wastes.

Question 8.
Give two steps to avoid wastage of food.
(i) Food should not be allowed to : (a) get spoiled or (b) eaten away by animals like rats and squirrels.
(ii) We eat only that much quantity of food which is required by our body.

Question 9.
Goitre is not found among people living in coastal area. Give reason.
Goitre is caused by the deficiency of iodine. Goitre is not found among people living in coastal areas because they normally take a sufficient amount of sea-food which contains iodine.

Question 10.
Mention whether following culinary practices are traditional/modern,
(a) Chulha
(b) Sil-batta
(c) Electrical grinder
(d) Modern gas stove
(a) Chulha: Traditional culinary practice.
(b) Sil-batta (stone grinder): Traditional culinary practice.
(c) Electrical grinder: Modern culinary practice.
(d) Modern gas stove: Modern culinary practice.

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Question 11.
Explain the importance of food for living organisms.
Importance of food is:

  • It provides energy to do various activities.
  • It helps in growth.
  • It helps to repair and replace damaged parts of the body.
  • It protects us from infections and diseases.

Question 12.
What are the significant differences between traditional and modern culinary practices?
Earlier, most cooking was done using a chulha. Nowadays, most of us cook using a modern gas stove. Earlier, most grinding was done manually using a sil-batta. These days, we use an electrical grinder for ease of grinding.

Question 13.
How will you test the presence of fats in the given sample of food material?
The given food material is rubbed into the centre of a clean white sheet of paper and the paper is then held towards light. The appearance of a greasy spot (translucent spot) in the sheet of paper shows the presence of fat in the given food material.

Question 14.
Prem lives in a hilly area. The drinking water and food grown in this area are poor in mineral A. The deficiency of A in the body causes an abnormal enlargement of gland B leading to a disease X. The disease X, however does not occur in the people living in coastal areas.
(a) What is the name of mineral A ?
(b) Name the gland B.
(c) What is disease X ?
(a) Iodine,
(b) Thyroid gland
(c) Goitre.

Question 15.
Is it proper to take vitamin A and vitamin D pills regularly? Give reasons.
No, it is not proper to take vitamin A and vitamin D pills regularly. Excess of vitamin A accumulates in liver and produces toxic effects whereas excess of vitamin D promotes high calcium absorption which deposits in the kidney and damages it.

Question 16.
Why is it necessary to change the food habits sometimes?
It is necessary to change the food habits sometimes because sticking to a particular type of food may cause some deficiency of essential nutrients and lead to deficiency diseases. If however, we change our food habits, we will get a more balanced diets.

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Question 17.
How would the balanced diet of a rickshaw puller differ from that of an office worker?
The balanced diet of a rickshaw puller should include more of carbohydrates and fats than that of an office worker. This is because a rickshaw puller needs more energy for doing the hard physical work. An office worker has no such requirement.

Question 18
Explain the following : A lady complains of difficulty in seeing in darkness and she is advised to include more of fish, milk and carrot in her diet.
The lady who has difficulty in seeing in darkness is suffering from a disease called night blindness. This disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin ‘A’ in the body. The lady has been advised to include more of fish, milk and carrot in her diet because all these food items contain a lot of vitamin A.

Question 19.
How will you test the presence of proteins in the given sample of foodstuff?
Take the food-stuff in a test tube and add concentrated nitric acid, just sufficient to cover the foodstuff. Heat it slightly. Appearance of a yellow colour in the food-stuff shows the presence of proteins in it. Now, pour away the nitric acid and add ammonium hydroxide. The change in colour from yellow to orange confirms the presence of proteins in the given food-stuff.

Question 20.
An animal X lives under water. It is an important source of food especially in coastal areas. The food from animal X is very rich in nutrient A. The liver oil of X is rich in particular vitamin. The animal X also contains a mineral B which prevents goitre disease in humans.
(a) Name the animal X .
(b) What is the food nutrient A ?
(c) What is the mineral B ?
(a) Fish
(b) Proteins
(c) Iodised salt.

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Question 21.
How will you experimentally establish that ground-nuts contain fat ?
A few ground-nut kernels are put on a sheet of paper lying on a table. These ground-nut Kernels are then crushed and nuts rubbed on paper by using a small harm inner. The crushed Kernels are removed from the paper and the paper held towards light. Appearance of a translucent greasy spots on the sheet of paper shows the presence of fat in ground-nuts.

Question 22.
What are the functions of proteins?

  • Proteins help in the growth and repair of damaged cells and tissues of the body.
  • They also help our body to fight against infections.
  • Proteins make our nails, hair and muscles.

Question 23.
How will you test the presence of vitamin ‘ C ‘ in the given sample of food-stuff?
Take a pinch of starch in a test tube and add about 5 mL of water to it. Boil it for a minute and cool. Add a few drops of iodine solution and observe the colour: The solution turns blue. To this blue solution add juice of food sample dropwise until blue colour disappears. Shake the solution and observe the colour of the solution. If the solution becomes light-brown, the food sample contains vitamin C.

Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Write any five different components of a balanced diet. Explain the function of each component.
The five components of a balanced diet are: Carbohydrates and fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins and water.

  • Carbohydrates and fats provide energy to the body.
  • Proteins provide minerals for the growth and development of body and repair of damaged tissues.
  • Vitamins are required to catalyse chemical reactions in the body which are necessary for normal growth and health.
  • Water is necessary for the digestion of food, transport of nutrients and excretion of body wastes.

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Question 2.
How can you test presence of proteins in a given food item?
Take a small quantity of the food item. If the sample is solid, grind it. Put some part of this in a clean test tube, add 10 drops of water to it and shake the test tube. Now, with the help of a dropper, add two drops of solution of copper sulphate and 10 drops of solution of caustic soda to the test tube. Shake well and place the test tube in test tube stand for a few minutes. Observe color of the contents of test tube. If color of the contents turns violet, the food item contains protein.
Food + water + copper sulphate + caustic soda → violet color → protein is present.

Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Picture Based Questions

I. Look at the figure and answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Identify the figure:
Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 3.3
(a) Sources of proteins.
(b) Sources of carbohydrates.
(c) Sources of fats.
(d) None of these
(a) Sources of proteins.

Question 2.
State the condition which necessitate a high protein diet.
(a) A growing child needs a high-protein diet to make the body tissue required for rapid growth.
(b) A nursing mother who breastfeeds her baby needs a protein rich diet for the formation of milk in her body.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 3.
What are proteins ?
The food items which are needed for the growth and repair of our body are called proteins.

Question 4.
A patient had stunted growth, swelling on face, decolouration of hair and skin disease. Doctor advised him to eat a lot of pulses, grams, white milk etc. What is wrong with the patient? Explain.
The intake of protein is not enough in his diet and all these symptoms are caused due to deficiency of proteins.

Mindful Eating A Path to a Healthy Body Class 6 Case Based Questions

In earlier times, during long voyages, sailors often suffered from bleeding and swollen gums. During a voyage in 1746 , Scottish physician James Lind observed that sailors who consumed lemons and oranges recovered from these symptoms. Bleeding and swollen gums are symptoms of a disease called scurvy.

Question 1.
Name one disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin C.
(a) Diabetes
(b) Rickets
(c) Scurvy
(d) Beri-beri
(c) Scurvy

Question 2.
Name a vitamin that is not present in milk.
(a) Vitamin ‘ C ‘
(b) Vitamin ‘A’
(c) Vitamin ‘B’
(d) Vitamin ‘D’
(a) Vitamin ‘C’

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Question 3.
What are the sources of vitamin C?
Citrus fruits like amla, lime, lemon, orange, gooseberry, guavas etc.

Question 4.
Write the physiological action of vitamin ‘C’
For healthy teeth and gums, improves appetite, prevents scurvy.

Class 6 Science Extra Questions

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