Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Extra Questions Nature’s Treasures

Class 6 Science Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures Important Extra Questions and Answers

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Name the two gases which together constitute 99% of the atmosphere.
Nitrogen and oxygen.

Question 2.
Name the technique of watering plants which minimizes the wastage of water.
Drip irrigation.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 3.
From where do plants who live in water get oxygen for respiration?
They take oxygen from the air dissolved in air.

Question 4.
What are renewable resources?
Resources which can replenish themselves by quick recycling are called renewable resources.

Question 5.
Name the ancient structures for water storage and water recharge in India which are being revived now.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 6.
Name the dark coloured substances formed by the action of decomposers on that plant leaves.

Question 7.
Name the most common fuel used in light motor vehicles.

Question 8.
Name the petroleum product used to drive heavy vehicles.

Question 9.
Name any two renewable natural resources.

  • Air
  • Sunlight

Question 10.
Why are coal, petroleum and natural gas called fossil Fuels?
Coal, petroleum and natural gas are formed by fossils so they are called fossil fuels.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
State any two reasons which had accelerated the search for alternative sources of energy.

  • The fossil fuel reserves of the earth are depleting at a very rapid rate and may get exhausted soon.
  • The use of fossil fuels produces a lot of air pollution.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 2.
Explain why fossil fuels are non renewable natural resources?
Fossil fuels are present in limited quantity in the nature. They can be exhausted by human activities. So, fossil fuels are called non-renewable natural resources.

Question 3.
How has the traditional use of wind and water energy been modified for our convenience?
The traditional use of wind energy has been modified to windmill which is used to generate electricity as well as the water lifting pumps. That traditional use of flowing water energy has been modified is hydro-electric power plants to generate electricity.

Question 4.
What is a windmill? State the energy conversion taking place in the working of a windmill.
Windmill is a turbine which rotates due to the force exerted by wind on its adjustable vains or sales.
Kinetic energy of wind is converted into mechanical energy which can be further utilized in other usable form of energy.

Question 5.
Write any two advantages of classifying energy sources as renewable and non-renewable.

  • The classification helps us to decide which of the available energy sources need to be conserved to ensure their availability for future generation.
  • The classification help us to look for alternative sources of energy like solar and wind energy.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 6.
Why is the replenishment of forests necessary? State for reasons.
Replenishment of forests is necessary

  • To bring sufficient rainfall and maintain water cycle in nature.
  • To prevent the loss of highly fertile top soil through erosion.
  • To prevent the occurrence of floods.
  • To conserve wildlife by maintaining their natural habitats.

Question 7.
What is the role of plants in controlling air pollution?
The plants absorb excess of carbon dioxide gas from air during photosynthesis. At the same time plants release healthy Oxygen gas through the atmosphere.

Question 8.
What is the role of plants in controlling floods?
The roots of plants absorb a lot of rainwater in also bind the soil particles together which prevents soil erosion. This, plants control floods by observing water through their roots and by preventing soil erosion.

Question 9.
Write two advantages of solar energy.
Advantages of solar energy

  • It is available in abundance and that to without cost.
  • It is pollution free.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 10.
Write any two limitations of solar energy.
Limitations of solar energy

  • It is not evenly distributed on the earth and become unavailable when the sky is covered with clouds.
  • A lot of costly equipments and infrastructure are required to put solar energy to practical use.

Question 11.
Give two uses of air.

  • Wind energy is used for transporting people and materials by using sailboats.
  • Air / helps in the dispersal of seeds, pollen of flowers.

Question 12.
What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?
That disadvantages of fossil fuels are as follows:

  • The burning of fossil fuel causes air pollution.
  • They are non-renewable sources of energy.
  • They increase the greenhouse effect on burning.

Question 13.
Where is natural gas usually found? Why is it called a clean fuel?
Natural gas is found deep under the crust of Earth either alone or along with oil above the petroleum deposits. Normal gas is called a clean fuel because it burns without producing any smoke.
Natural gas burns completely and does not leave behind any ash.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 14.
Why are we looking at alternative sources of energy?
These days, where using the fossil fuels as energy sources. They are nonrenewable source of energy which are limited and cannot replenish on their own. We are consuming the fossil fuel with the large rate. If the rate of consumption continues then the fossil fuel should be exhausted from the earth. Thus, we have to conserve the energy sources that is why we are looking at alternate sources of energy.

Question 15.
State any three reasons to justify that LPG is considered as an ideal fuel.
LPG is considered as an ideal fuel because-

  • It is to store, handle and transport.
  • It produces large amount of heat on burning.
  • It does not leave any residue on burning.

Question 16.
What are the advantages of renewable sources of energy?

  • These sources will last as long as the earth receives light from the sun.
  • The sources are freely available at home.
  • These sources do not cause any pollution.

Question 17.
What are the disadvantages of nonrenewable sources of energy?

  • Due to their extensive use, the sources are fast depleting.
  • It is difficult to discover and exploit new deposits of these sources.
  • These sources are a major cause of environmental pollution.

Question 18.
What was Chipko Movement?

  • During 1970, in Reni village of Garhwal a contractor was allowed to cut trees in a forest near the village.
  • When the contractor’s workers went to the forest to cut trees the women of the village hugged the tree trunks to prevent the workers from cutting trees.
  • Chipko means ‘hug’ and the movement started by the villagers by hugging trees is called the ‘Chipko Movement’.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 19.
List any three measures for conserving forests.

  • Replenish the trees cut down for timber by planting more trees so that there is no scarcity.
  • Conception of wood should be discouraged.
  • Acute portion of local people needs to be taken for the conservation of forests.

Question 20.
How an individual can contribute or make a difference to the management of coal and petroleum?
An individual can contribute :

  • Using solar device instead of fossil fuels.
  • Prefer walking on cycling rather than using vehicles.
  • Properly turning the car to improve fuel efficiency.

Question 21.
Everyone of us can do something to reduce our personal consumption of various natural resources. Write such activities.

  • Reduce excessive use of natural resources like water fossil fuels etc.
  • Reduce of some resources instead of wasting
  • Recycle the materials like paper to reduce the pressure on existing natural resources.

Question 22.
Explain the process of formation of Petroleum.
Petroleum was formed by the decomposition of the remains of tiny plants and animals buried under the sea millions of years ago. The tiny plants and animals which lived in the sea died. Their dead bodies sank to the bottom of sea and were soon covered with mud and sand. Due to high pressure heat, action of bacteria and in the absence of air the dead remains of tiny plants and animals were slowly converted into Petroleum.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Prepare the list of activities that you perform daily in which natural resources can be conserved or energy utilisation can be minimised.

  • Use solar water heating device.
  • Use fan and light only when required.
  • Unused water in the water bottle should be used for watering plants.
  • Close all the taps before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid using a hose pipe for watering plants and instead use a mug.

Question 2.
What is the importance of forest as a resource?

  • Improve water holding capacity of soil.
  • Regulate water cycle.
  • Help in balancing carbon dioxide and oxygen of atmosphere.
  • Provide habitat, food and protection to wildlife
  • Are the source for all essential commodities like fuel, wood, timber, paper etc for human beings.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 3.
Suggest few ways to conserve forests.

  • Overgrazing by animals in the forest should be stopped.
  • Large scale cutting of the forest trees should be stopped. It is very essential to cut a few trees plant more trees in their place.
  • Plant more seedlings on the deforestated land every year during rainy season.
  • Forest must be protected from insects and pests.
  • Conserve air land and water. That is pollution of air, land and water must be controlled.

Question 4.
What was the role of Chipko Movement?
Role of Chipko Movement:

  • It helped in conservation and preservation of forest.
  • It allowed the village community to utilise a forest produce and allowing the resources to replenish over time.
  • It taught people that the destruction of forest not only effects availability of forest product but also the quality of soil and the sources of water.
  • It forced government to reaching the priorities of local people (to whom the forest belong) in the use of forest produce.
  • It encouraged the participation of the local people in the efficient management of forests.

Question 5.
On the basis of issues raised in the chapter, what changes would you incorporate in your life style in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources?

  • I will be utilising these resources to minimum of my requirement.
  • I will not only plant trees myself but also help others to do the same.
  • I will try to stop their overuse/ misuse wherever possible.
  • I will try to recycle and reuse the things whenever possible.
  • I will try to walk or use cycle only to go school or any nearby place.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Picture Based Questions

I. Observe the above diagram and answer the following questions:

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11.1

Question 1.
What does the diagram show?
(a) Farm.
(b) Windmill.
(c) Garden.
(d) Well.
(b) Windmill

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 2.
What are the use of windmills.
(a) To draw water by running pumps
(b) To run flour mills
(c) To generate electricity
(d) All of above.
(d) All of above.

Question 3.
What is a windmill farm?
A windmill farm is an area that has a large number of windmills which use energy of the wind to generate electricity.

Question 4.
When we breathe in air ; nitrogen also goes inside along with oxygen. What is the fate of this nitrogen?
The nitrogen inhales during respiration is not used in the body and it comes out with carbon dioxide during exhalation.

II. Observe the figure and answer the following questions :

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11.2

Question 1.
What does the picture show?
(a) House.
(b) Factory.
(c) Rain water harvesting.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
(c) Rain water harvesting.

Question 2.
Why rainwater harvesting is advantageous?
(a) It reduces the run of loss of rain-water.
(b) Availability of water supply for irrigation and other purposes is maintained in drive months
(c) It increases the availability of clean water.
(d) All of above.
(d) All of above.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 3.
When rainwater is made to percolate into the ground more efficiently by constructing percolation pits it is called
(a) groundwater replenishing
(b) Rainwater harvesting
(c) Rainwater recharging
(d) Rainwater collecting
(b) Rainwater harvesting

Question 4.
What is rain- water harvesting?
The process of collecting rainwater from the roofs and street corners and storing it for later use is called rainwater harvesting.

Question 5.
What is the main purpose of rainwater harvesting?
The main purpose of rainwater harvesting is not to hold rain water on the surface of earth but to make rainwater percolate under the ground more efficiently so as to replenish groundwater.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Case Based Questions

I. Forests are a natural home for many wild animals including birds and insects. Forests provide food and shelter to them. In nature, every animal depends on other life forms for survival. The diversity of life forms ensures food for every living being. However over the years forest colour has been decreasing, mainly due to human activities like large scale cutting of trees.

Question 1.
How forests prevent floods?
(a) Forests absorb a lot of water.
(b) Roots of the trees absorb the water and prevent it from flowing away.
(c) Both (a) and(b).
(d) None of above.
(c) Both (a) and(b).

Question 2.
Which are the causes of deforestation.
(a) Forest are cut down to obtain timber.
(b) Forests are cut down to clear land
(b) Forest are cut down to obtain good for making paper.
(d) None of above.
(d) None of above.

Question 3.
What is meant by forest?
Forest is a large area of land covered mainly with trace and other plants.

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 4.
Why there is no waste in a forest?
There is no ways in the forest because decomposers convert all the dead bodies of the plants and animals into the humans which gets added to the soil. Thus, no waste is remained.

Question 5.
What is meant by deforestation?
Clearing a forest by cutting trees to fulfill our need of wood and land is called deforestation.

II. Petrol and diesel are two widely used fuel for vehicles. Petrol diesel and kerosene are obtained from petroleum. Petroleum along with natural gas and coal are commonly called fossil fuels. They are formed essentially from the remains of microorganisms and plants that got buried deep inside the earth and were converted to Petroleum, natural gas and coal. It takes millions of years for these fuels to form.

Question 1.
What is petroleum?
(a) Dark coloured thick crude.
(b) Dark coloured, coal.
(c) It is a complex mixture of hydrocarbon that occur on earth in liquid gaseous or solid form.
(d) Petroleum also includes natural gas and viscous or solid form known as bitumen
A and B.

Question 2.
Name the resources which are living and non-living available in normal environment
(a) Man made resources.
(b) Artificial
(c) Natural resources.
(d) Resources.
(c) Natural resources.

Question 3.
Why is natural gas called a very important fossil fuel in these days?
(a) Easy to transport through pipes.
(b) Used in the form of CND as fuel.
(c) Both (a) and (b).
(d) None of above
(c) Both (a) and (b).

Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 11

Question 4.
Why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources?
Fossil fuels are present in limited quantity nature. They can be exhausted by human activities. Hence fossil fuels are called exhaustible natural resources.

Class 6 Science Extra Questions

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