NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English
Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus Question Answer
English Class 10th First Flight Chapter 9 Madam Rides the Bus Question Answers
Madam Rides the Bus Oral Comprehension Check
Question 1.
What was Valli’s favourite pastime?
Valli’s favourite pastime was standing in the front door of her house and watching what was happening in the street outside.
Question 2.
What was a source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
The sight of the village bus filled with a new set of passengers was a source of unending joy for Valli. Her strongest desire was to ride on the village bus at least once.
Question 3.
What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details?
Valli found out that the bus went to the town which was six miles away from her village and took forty five minutes. She also found out that the fare was thirty paise one way. She picked up these details by listening carefully to conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus and by asking a few discreet questions here and there.
Question 4.
What do you think Valli was planning to do?
It seems Valli was planning to fulfil her strongest desire of riding the village bus.
Question 5.
Why does the conductor call Valli ‘madam’?
The conductor called the young child as ‘Madam’ because Valli told him that she was not a child.
Question 6.
Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see now?
She wanted to enjoy the beauty outside the bus but because of a canvas blind, she was unable to see outside, so she stood on the seat.
Question 7.
What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her a child?
When the elderly man called her a child, Valli told him that she was not a child as she was able to take care of herself.
Question 8.
Why didn’t Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
Valli did not want to make friends with elderly woman because she was looking very ugly an abominable.
Question 9.
How did Valli save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her?
Valli had managed to save a total of sixty paise by resisting every temptation such as buying peppermints, toys, balloons and the like. It had been difficult particularly on the day of the village fair as she had to stifle her strong desire to ride the merry-go-round.
Question 10.
What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
Valli saw that a young cow, tail high in the air, was running very fast, right in the middle of the road. The horn of the bus frightened the animal and made it gallop still faster. This sight was very funny and Valli laughed heartily.
Question 11.
Why didn’t she get off the bus at the bus station?
Valli did not get off the bus at the bus station as she had only thirty paise for her return journey and . she was too afraid to go alone.
Question 12.
Why didn’t Valli want to go to the stall and have a drink? What does this tell you about her?
Valli was a wise little girl who did not want to mingle with strangers. Also she had no spare money. So she did not want to go to the stall and have a drink with the conductor. It shows that Valli had a fair share of self-respect and took her decisions cautiously.
Madam Rides the Bus Thinking about the Text
Question 1.
What was Valli’s deepest desire? Find the words and phrases in the story that tell you this.
Valli’s deepest desire was to ride on the village bus even if only once. Here are the words from the text that describe this— ‘overwhelming desire’, ‘wistfully’, ‘kindle in her longings’, ‘dreams’, ‘hopes’, ‘wish became stronger and stronger’.
Question 2.
How did Valli plan her bus ride? What did she find out about the bus, and how did she save up the fare?
Valli picked up various small details about the bus journey by listening to the conversations between the bus users and asking a few questions here and there. She found out about the 30 paise bus fare from a well-dressed man. She also came to know that the journey took 45 minutes, one way. She . chose afternoon time for her journey when her mother took a nap every day. Thus, she very carefully planned her bus ride.
Question 3.
Why does the conductor refer to Valli as ‘madam’?
The conductor was a jolly man. He was surprised to see a little girl travelling all by herself. Moreover, the girl was confident and behaving like grown-ups. Therefore, he naughtily calls Valli as ‘madam’.
Question 4.
Find the lines in the text which tell you that Valli was enjoying her ride on the bus.
Here are a few lines from the text which tell us that Valli was enjoying her ride on a bus—
- “Valli devoured everything with her eyes.”
- “Oh, it was all so wonderful!”
- “gradually Valli too joined in the laughter.”
- “Suddenly Valli clapped her hands with glee.”
- “Somehow, this was very funny to Valli. She laughed and laughed until there were tears in her eyes.”
- “Struck dumb with wonder Valli gaped at everything.”
- “Valli wasn’t bored in the slightest and greeted everything with the same excitement she’d felt the first time.”
Question 5.
Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
Valli was a sensitive girl. The image of the dead cow had dampened her enthusiasm. The memory of the lovable creature returned repeatedly to her mind so she refused to look out of the window on her way back.
Question 6.
What does Valli mean when she says, “I was just agreeing with what you said about things happening without our knowledge?”
Valli returned back home with memory of the dead cow still fresh in her mind. So when she heard – her mother and aunt talking, she too agreed that one cannot understand the mysteries of life. But when questioned about it, she didn’t want to reveal her trip to the town. In order to cover the facts, she said the above-mentioned statement.
Question 7.
‘The author describes the things that Valli sees from an eight-year-old’s point of view.’ Can you find evidence from the text for this statement?
- Description of the bus—“It was a new bus soft and luxurious.”
- Description of the sight outside—“The bus was going so wonderful.”
- Description of the elderly woman—“Valli found the woman at any moment.”
- “Sometimes the bus seemed on the point of gobbling another vehicle that was coming forward them or pedestrian crossing the road; But lo! Somehow it passed on smoothly, leaving all obstacles safely behind.”
- Description of the market—“Such big, bright everything.”
Madam Rides the Bus Extra Questions and Answers
Madam Rides the Bus Reference-to-Context Questions
Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Question 1.
But for Valli, standing at the front door was every bit as enjoyable as any of the elaborate games other children played. Watching the street gave her many new unusual experiences.
(a) Watching the street gave Valli ……….. experiences.
(b) Standing at the front door was every bit as ……….. as any of the games other children played.
(c) The arrival of the bus was the most disgusting experience of Valli. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the words ‘different, not normal’.
Question 2.
The most fascinating thing of all was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back. The sight of the bus, filled each time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for Valli.
(a) The most fascinating thing for Valli was the bus that ……… between her village and the nearest town.
(b) The sight of the bus, filled with a new set of passengers, was a source of joy for Valli.
(c) The bus passed through Valli’s streat each hour, once going to the town and once coming back. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the words ‘extremely interesting’ in the extract.
Question 3.
Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on that bus, even if just once. This wish became stronger and stronger, until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus when it stopped at the street corner.
(a) Gradually a tiny wish crept into Valli’s head: she wanted to on that bus.
(b) Valli would wistfully at the people who got on or off -the bus daily.
(c) The bus stopped near Valli’s house. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the words ‘thinking sadly’ in the extract.
Question 4.
Their faces would kindle in her longings, dreams and hopes. If one of her friends happened to ride the bus and tried to describe the sights of the town to her, Valli would be too jealous to listen and would shout, in English: “Proud ! proud!” Neither she nor her friends really understood the meaning of the word, but they used it often as a slang expression of disapproval.
(a) The faces of the people who got on and off the bus would ………. her longing for the bus ride.
(b) Valli was too …………. to listen the description of the bus ride by her friends.
(c) Neither Valli nor her friends really understood ‘proud! proud!’ a slang expression of disapproval. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the words ‘kindle’ in the extract.
Question 5.
Over many days and months Valli listened carefully to conversations between her neighbours and people who regularly used the bus, and she also asked a few discreet questions here and there.
(a) Valli heard the conversations about the and the city.
bus journey
(b) Valli wanted to know more and more about her and the bus.
(c) Valli asked a few discreet questions for a joy ride in the bus. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the words ‘carefully’ in the extract.
Question 6.
This way she picked up various small details about the bus journey. The town was six miles from her village. The fare was thirty paise one way – “which is almost nothing at all,” she heard one well-dressed man say, but to Valli, who scarcely saw that much money from one month, to the next, it seemed a fortune. The trip to the town took forty-five minutes.
(a) The town was ……….. from Valli’s village.
six miles
(b) The trip to the town took …………… minutes.
(c) The fare was sixty-five paise for one way bus journey. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of ‘chance or luck’
Question 7.
Well, one fine spring day the afternoon bus was just on the point of leaving the village and turning into the main highway when a small voice was heard shouting: “Stop the bus! Stop the bus!” And a tiny hand was raised commandingly.
(a) On a fine spring day the ……….. bus was just on the point of leaving Valli’s village.
(b) It was Valli whose tiny stopped the bus.
(c) Valli was going to her school. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the word ‘powerfully’ in the extract.
Question 8.
The bus slowed down to a crawl, and the conductor, sticking his head out of the door, said: “Hurry then! Tell whoever it is to come quickly.”
“It’s me,” shouted Valli. “I’m the one who has to get on.” By now the bus had come to a stop, and the conductor said: “Oh, really! You don’t say so!” “Yes, I simply have to go to town,” said Valli, still standing outside the bus, “and here’s my money.” She showed him some coins.
(a) The bus slowed down to a ………….. and the conductor asked Valli to come quickly.
(b) Knowing the fact that a small child was travelling alone ………… the conductor.
(c) Valli shouted because she wanted to get on the bus. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the phrase ‘a very slow speed’.
Question 9.
“May we start now, madam?” the conductor asked, smiling. Then he blew his whistle twice, and the bus moved forward with a roar.
(a) The conductor blew his ……….. twice and the bus moved forward with a roar.
(b) The conductor addressed Valli ……….. smiling.
(c) Valli blew the whistle to stop the bus. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the word, ‘a loud noise in the extract.
Question 10.
It was a new bus, its outside painted a gleaming white with some green stripes along the sides. Inside, the overhead bars shone like silver. Directly in front of Valli, above the windshield, there was a beautiful clock. The seats were soft and luxurious.
(a) The outside of the bus was painted a white with some green stripes along the sides.
(b) Inside the bus, the overhead bars shone like
(c) Directly in front of Valli, above the windshield, there was a beautiful globe. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the word, ‘a glass screen’.
Question 11.
Valli devoured everything with her eyes. But when she started to look outside, she found her view cut off by a canvas blind that covered the lower part of her window. So she stood up on the seat and peered over the blind.
(a) Valli everything with her eyes.
(b) Valli started to look at the outside view very keenly because she wanted to every moment of her bus journey.
(c) Valli stood up on the seat as she could not see outside clearly. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the word, ‘screen’ in the extract.
Question 12.
An elderly woman came and sat beside her. “Are you all alone, dear?” she asked Valli as the bus started again.
Valli found the woman absolutely repulsive—such big holes she had in her ear lobes, and such ugly earrings in them! And she could smell the betel nut the woman was chewing and see the betel juice that was threatening to spill over her lips at any moment.
(a) Valli found the elderly woman absolutely ……………
(b) The elderly woman asked Valli if she was going ……….
all alone.
(c) Valli liked the elder woman’s big holes in her ear lobes, and such ugly earrings in them! . (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the word, ‘strong dislike’ in the extract’.
Question 13.
“Do you know exactly where you’re going in town? What’s the street? What’s the house number?” “You needn’t bother about me. I can take care of myself,” Valli said, turning her face towards the window and staring out.
(a) An old woman enquired Valli about her
(b) Valli turned her face towards the because she did not like the old woman.
(c) Valli was a courageous and confident girl. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of the word, ‘gaze’ in the extract’.
stare out
Question 14.
The bus slowed to a crawl, and the driver sounded his horn loudly again and again. But the more he honked, the more frightened the animal became and the faster it galloped—always right in front of the bus.
(a) The bus slowed to a crawl when a was running very fast ahead of it.
young cow
(b) The cow was frightened by the repeated of the driver.
(c) The driver of the bus was sounded his horn repeatedly to stop galloping of the cow. (True/False)
(d) Find the meaning of the word, ‘running very fast’ in the extract’.
Question 15.
Struck dumb with wonder, Valli gaped at everything. Then the bus stopped and everyone got off except Valli.
“Hey, lady,” said the conductor, “aren’t you ready to get off? This is as for as your thirty paise takes you.”
(a) Struck dumb with wonder, Valli at everything.
(b) The bus stopped and everyone got off except
(c) Valli was struck dumb with wonder to see the wonderful thing outside. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of ‘astomishment’ in the extract’.
Question 16.
“Won’t your mother be looking for you?” the conductor asked when he gave the girl her ticket. “No, no one will be looking for me,” she said. The bus started, and again there were the same wonderful sights.
(a) Valli’s mother did not know where she was
(b) The conductor asked her if her would be looking for her.
(c) When the bus started again there were horrible sights outside. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of ‘set off in the extract.
Question 17.
Valli wasn’t bored in the slightest and greeted everything with the same excitement she’d felt the first time. But suddenly she saw a young cow lying dead by the roadside, just where it had been struck by some fast-moving vehicle.
(a) Happily, Valli greeted everything with the same
(b) The scene of a cow changed her mood.
(c) Villi was glad on seeing a dead cow on her return journey. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of ‘hit’ in the extract’.
Question 18.
“Isn’t that the same cow that ran in front of the bus on our trip to town?” She asked the conductor. The conductor nodded, and she was overcome with sadness. What had been a lovable, beautiful creature just a little while ago had now suddenly lost its charm and its life and looked so horrible, so frightening as it lay there, legs spreadeagled, a fixed stare in its lifeless eyes, blood all over.
(a) Death of the cow made her extremely
(b) Life looked and frightening due to the death of the cow.
(c) The conductor nodded and Valli was overcome with sadness. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of ‘overwhelmed’ in the extract.
Question 19.
“Yes you’re right,” her mother said. “So many things in our midst and in the world outside. How can we possibly know about everything? And even when we do know about something, we often can’t understand it completely, can we?”
(a) There were so many things in the world outside but we do not have of everything.
(b) According to Valli’s mother, her aunt was right to say that one cannot ………. anything completely knowing something. ”
(c) On hearing the conversation, Valli felt that, they might know about her first bus ride. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of word ‘comprehend’ in the extract.
Madam Rides the Bus Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
How did Valli react when she saw the dead cow by the roadside? [Delhi 2016]
When Valli saw the dead cow by the roadside, she was overwhelmed with sadness. The memory of the dead cow haunted her, depressing her enthusiasm. She no longer wanted to look out of the window.
Question 2.
Who was Valliammai? What was her favourite pastime?
Valliammai was an eight-year-old girl. She was a mature girl but did not have any playmate of her age. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside.
Question 3.
What was the most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street? [Delhi 2019]
Valli did not have any playmate of her age. She had a pastime of watching outside in the street. She
used to watch the new passengers boarding the bus every day. The arrival of the bus was the most fascinating scene in the street for Valli. She watched the passengers boarding the bus and to listen to their conversation. The sight of the bus was a source of unending joy for Valli.
Question 4.
What did Valli wish? How did this desire creep in her mind?
Valli wished to have a ride on the bus. She used to listen to the passengers’ conversation carefully. She heard about the city and many more things through them. A tiny wish crept into her mind and became a desire.
Question 5.
Why did Valli feel jealous of her friend?
Valli had a strong desire to ride the bus. One of her friends had already visited the city. She wanted to describe her experience to Valli. Valli was so jealous that she did not listen to her and shouted ‘Proud! Proud!’
Question 6.
Why did Valli collect the information about the bus?
Valli had a strong desire to ride the bus. She had to plan her journey to the city by the bus. So she started collecting information about the distance, time and fare of the journey.
Question 7.
What information did Valli collect about the bus journey?
Valli collected some details of the journey. The city was six miles from her village. The fare was thirty paise one way. The trip takes forty five minutes one way. Now she could plan her journey by the bus in an easy way.
Question 8.
How did Valli slip away from her house?
Valli had calculated that if she left her house at one o’clock she would be back by two forty-five. This was the time she could be away without the knowledge of her mother. She slipped from her house and boarded the bus.
Question 9.
How did the conductor treat Valli? How did Valli feel when the conductor called her ‘My Fine Madam’?
When Valli got into the bus, the conductor treated her as a child. He asked her who was coming in the bus. Valli told him confidently that it was she only. She bought the ticket and the conductor called her ‘Madam’ jokingly. The conductor was a jolly fellow. Valli did not like him treating her as a child. Her temperament made the conductor call her ‘Madam’. Valli was overcome with shyness.
Question 10.
What did Valli see beyond the bank of a canal while on the busride?
While on the bus ride, Valli saw beyond the canal through the window. There were palm trees, grassland, distant mountains and the blue sky. It was a wonderful scene for Valli.
Question 11.
What did the conductor advise Valli while on the bus?
The conductor advised Valli to sit on her seat properly. She had taken a full ticket and need not stand on the seat. Moreover, she could have hurt herself while standing on the seat and watching outside.
Question 12.
Why did Valli rebuke the elderly woman on the bus?
The elderly woman treated Valli as a child. She asked her many questions. She tried to make Valli feel that it was not proper for a child to travel alone. Valli did not like her appearance and unnecessary interference. She rebuked her saying that she was not a child and she could take care of herself.
Question 13.
Why did Valli not get down from the bus in the town?
Valli did not get off the bus at the bus station because she had to come back to her village by the same bus. When the conductor asked her to get down, she refused to do so. She was afraid of moving alone. Moreover, she did not have money to buy things from there.
Question 14.
How did Valli react on seeing the cow for the first time?
On her way to the city, Valli saw a small cow running in front of the bus. She was filled with joy. She laughed wholeheartedly until her eyes filled with tears. She saw life in the form of a cow.
Question 15.
Why did she become sad while returning from the town?
She became sad while coming back from the city. She saw a dead cow on the road. It was the same cow that filled her with joy only a while ago. The scene of dead cow haunted her and she could not enjoy her back journey.
Question 16.
What did Valli find her mother doing when she came back?
When Valli came back from the city, she found her mother standing and conversing with one of her aunts. They were discussing the things happening outside the world.
Question 17.
What was the topic of discussion between Valli’s mother and her aunt?
They were discussing the things happening outside the city and they were unable to understand them.
Question 18.
What did Valli remark when she heard the conversation between her mother and her aunt?
When Valli heard the conversation between her mother and her aunt, she remarked that she agreed with what they said about things happening outside without their knowledge.
Madam Rides the Bus Long Answer Questions
Question 1.
Valli got jealous every time one of her friends told her about the bus ride and the sights of the town. Do you think jealousy is a positive trait? What should be done to keep jealous thoughts away?
Valli has a deep desire to visit the town and experience a bus journey. The world outside holds a charm for her. Whenever one of her friends tells Valli about her bus ride and the sights of the town, she gets jealous and tells them to shut up. Jealousy is not a positive trait. It’s a negative feeling that arises out of hatred and contempt for others. We must not ever be jealous of others instead, we must share the achievements and happiness of our friends. We should feel inspired by their accounts and try to achieve our goal with all our heart.
Question 2.
Valli posed herself to be very confident when the conductor offered her help to ride the bus. Later on she felt shy when all laughed at her. What does this tell you about Valli’s character? What do we learn from her character?
Valli posed to be very confident in front of the conductor when he offered her help to ride the bus. This shows her confidence, intelligence and careful nature. But when everybody laughed at her, she felt shy. She was innocent too. Being aware of that fact that she was travelling for the first time, she was taking every precaution not to be fooled by anybody.
Although she should not have travelled alone yet it was wise on her part to behave confidently. Sometimes, situations arise when a child has to travel or live alone. In such a situation, it is necessary for children to get training in order to be self-confident. She teaches us to be confidant, compassionate and sympathetic towards others.
Question 3.
Valli dared to travel alone in the bus and behaved haughtily with everyone who showed care and concern for her. Why do you think she was behaving in such a way? Was it proper on her part to go to the city without the knowledge of her mother? What advice would you give to such children?
As Valli was travelling alone in a bus for the first time, it was natural on her part to behave like this. Initially she seemed haughty but later on she joined other people, though maintaining a distance. In fact, Valli was a very confident and mature girl. She saved her pocket money and planned carefully for the journey. She knew that the world outside was strange to her so she was being extra cautious. I appreciate her sense of responsibility but it was also not proper on her part to go out alone without telling her parents. Children must confide in their parents in whatever they do. Our elders have experience and knowledge and under their guidance, we can make our life a success.
Question 4.
Valli sternly refused the conductor’s offer of a cold drink though she might be willing to have one. What lesson do you learn from her gesture?
By the end of the journey, the conductor had got quite fond of Valli. When the bus reached its destination, the conductor went to the nearby stall to have something to drink. He offered to bring one for Valli as a treat from him but Valli refused sternly. She didn’t have much money and out of the feeling of self-respect she was not ready to take obligation either.
Such a conduct from an eight year old girl shows her good upbringing. We learn not to be greedy and live within our means. We must not get lured by the attractions, however strong they may be. It is always wise to spend money judiciously. Children must not waste their pocket money on unwanted items.
Question 5.
The sight of the dead cow filled Valli with sadness. The harsh reality of life and death are shown through this episode. What kind of life do you think one must have to live peacefully until death comes?
On her way to the town, Valli saw a young cow running helter-skelter. She got very amused and laughed a lot. But while on her return journey to the town, she saw the same cow lying dead in a pool of blood by the side of the road. Valli got very upset and lost her enthusiasm of looking outside the window.
The episode reveals the fact that life is transitory. Death is uncertain. God has given us a very precious life so we must not waste it in doing wrong deeds. Our aim in life should be to live happily with our friends, neighbours and relatives. Leaving all the negative thoughts like anger, jealousy, greed and pride, etc. a person can feel calm, and peaceful at heart. Death is a harsh reality but life is beautiful. We must not lose an opportunity to live it to the fullest by getting entangled in the webs of life.
Question 6.
Valli’s journey to the town is also her induction into the mystery of life and death. Such real experiences of life make us mature. Do you agree? Elaborate.
It is true that Valli’s journey to the town is also her induction into the mystery of life and death. While on her way to the town, Valli saw a cow running very fast in the middle of the road, right in front of the bus. Valli was very happy. She kept on laughing until her eyes welled up with tears. She saw life in the image of a cow.
This is what life gives us, happiness and enjoyment. On her way back home, she saw a dead cow lying on the road. It was killed in a road accident. Valli recognised it. It was the same cow which filled her life with happiness and joy a short while ago. She was upset and realised how death can change the things. Something that was lovable and charming a while ago had lost all the charms. Yes, such real-life experiences make one mature. It’s a great lesson of life.
Question 7.
Imagine you are Valli. On your return journey the sighting of a dead cow changed your mood. You were very upset. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.
Dear Diary,
Date: 17 July, Saturday
A dream came true today when a long cherished wish of riding the bus was fulfilled. It was a wonderful and exciting experience. While going to the city watching a small cow filled me with joy. I laughed wholeheartedly. It was funny to see her, running in front of the bus. On my journey back, I saw a dead cow lying on the road. I asked the conductor if that was the same cow. When I came to know that it was the same cow, I was so upset that I lost all the charm of the beauty outside. A cow that filled me with joy and happiness only a moment ago was lying dead! I could see the blood coming out of its nose. It was so haunting that I could not enjoy my journey back.
Question 8.
Valli is a very sensitive girl. She is different from ordinary people who are becoming more and more callous and insensitive to the joys and sufferings of the people around them. She grieves the accidental death of the young cow. Do you think the values of being sensitive and sympathetic are missing from our society? What do you learn from Valli?
It is true that Valli is a very sensitive girl. She is different from ordinary people who are becoming more and more callous and insensitive to the joys and sufferings of the people around them. She grieves the accidental death of the young cow. She was very happy while going to the city. She was happy seeing the young cow and enjoyed her activity.
When she was back and found the cow dead, she was very upset and grieved by her death. It shows that she was very sensitive. No doubt the values of being sensitive and sympathetic are missing from our society. These values must be restored and inculcated in the new generation. Today we find people very callous and insensitive towards the victim of road accidents. In some cases, the victim is not given any help and dies on the road itself. We must be sensitive towards them. Valli gives us a lesson that we should be sensitive to our surroundings and people.
Question 9.
Curiosity is the mother of learning. If one has an urge to know more about anything, one learns many things. Valli also has an urge to know more and more about things and her surroundings which makes her an intelligent, confident and mature girl. What traits of her character make her so? What do you learn from her character?
Curiosity is the mother of learning. If one has an urge to know more about anything, one learns many things. Valli also has an urge to know more and more about things and her surroundings. The people and surroundings are a good book to learn. Valli in the lesson, ‘Madam Rides the Bus’ learns a lot from others. She is a small inquisitive girl of eight years. She always enjoys standing in the front . door of the house to watch various activities going in the house. She is very confident.
She has a deep urge to travel by bus so she listened carefully to the conversation of the neighbours. She has a lot of questions and does not hesitate in asking them. She sometimes asks discreet questions to get details about the journey. While on her journey to the town she becomes friendly with the conductor who gives her a lot of information. Her curious nature makes her intelligent and confident. I, as a student, learn from her that we should have an urge to know more. It makes one confident and intelligent.
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