The Hack Driver Questions and Answers Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English

Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver Question Answer

English Class 10th Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver Question Answers

The Hack Driver Read and Find out

Question 1.
Why is the lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he first think about the place?
The lawyer is sent to New Mullion to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins. He did not ‘ like to go to a dirty place. He expected New Mullion to be a sweet and simple village unlike the dirty and shadowy corners of the city.

Question 2.
Who befriends him? Where does he take him?
The delivery man befriended him. He took him to several places like Fritz’s where there was a chance to meet Lutkins. They also went to some other places in search of Lutkins.

Question 3.
What does he say about Lutkins?
He says that Lutkins was a gambler and played the game of poker. He never paid his debts as he was very greedy and did not want to part with his money.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 4.
What more does Bill say about Lutkins and his family?
Bill says that Lutkins’ mother is a terror. He described her as a lady who was nine feet tall and four feet thick and she was quick as a cat. She was also very short-tempered.

Question 5.
Does the narrator serve the summons that day?
No, the narrator does not serve the summons that day as he was not able to meet Lutkins on whom he had to serve the summons.

Question 6.
Who is Lutkins?
Lutkins is the hack driver who is befooling the lawyer as Bill Magnuson.

The Hack Driver Think About It

Question 1.
When the lawyer reached New Mullion, did ‘Bill’ know that he was looking for Lutkins? When do you think Bill came up with his plan for fooling the lawyer?
When the lawyer reached New Mullion, ‘Bill’ did not know that he was looking for Lutkins. As the lawyer got down at New Mullion, he found it to be a very messy place. But the presence of the delivery man was the only pleasant sight there. He was a man of forty, red-faced, cheerful and very friendly. When the lawyer enquired about ‘Lutkins’, he immediately came up with his plan of fooling the lawyer because he (Bill) knew that he himself was Lutkins. And the best way to escape from the lawyer was to be with him for the whole time.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 2.
Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. How is it that no one lets out the secret?
[Hint: Notice that the hack driver asks the lawyer to keep out of sight behind him when they go into Fritz’s.] Can you find other such subtle ways in which Lutkins manipulates the tour?
Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village to find ‘Oliver Lutkins’ as he hides his real identity from the lawyer. He knew that the lawyer had come there to serve summons on him because he had not responded to many letters of the court.

No one lets out the secret for the whole day as Lutkins was an oversmart, clever and frivolous person. First of all he tells the lawyer to keep out of sight when they go to Fritz’s to find Lutkins so that nobody could notice him.

Secondly, Bill did not let the lawyer get down from the hack and ask about Lutkins from anyone. He (Bill) himself asked everyone about Lutkins. It seemed that everybody in the village knew about the mischief of Lutkins. Moreover, he tells the lawyer that Lutkins is very smart and never returns anybody’s money back and if he tries to collect in those fancy clothes, he’ll be suspicious and get away from him.

When he meets his mother as ‘Bill’ and introduces himself by saying, ‘Remember me I am Bill Magnuson, the carter and the hack man’, it gives a hint to his mother not to recognise him. In this way, the oversmartness of Bill and the innocence of the lawyer did not let the secret, that Bill was Lutkins, out.

Question 3.
Why do you think Lutkins’ neighbours were anxious to meet the lawyer?
The lawyer spent nearly his whole day with Bill at New Mullion to find Oliver Lutkins as he had to serve summons on him in a case as a witness. Lutkins, in the guise of Bill, was with him the whole day. He took the lawyer to all the places wherever Lutkins hung out. At Fritz’s, Gustafs barber shop, Gray’s barber shop and even his mother, almost everybody in the village, had seen the lawyer and laughed at him for his simplicity and innocence and how he was being befooled by Lutkins himself. Only the neighbours of Lutkins had not seen the lawyer so they were anxious to meet him.

Next day when the lawyer is sent again to serve the summons on Lutkins along with a man who had seen Lutkins, the lawyer meets Lutkin’s mother at the station only, she laughs at him and tells him to go to their neighbours to have coffee as they were very anxious to meet him.

Question 4.
After his first day’s experience with the hack driver, the lawyer thinks of returning to New Mullion to practise law. Do you think he would
have reconsidered this idea after his second visit?
On the first day, the hack driver spends almost the whole day with the lawyer to find Lutkins as the lawyer had to serve summons on him. The lawyer feels highly obliged and thankful to the hack driver for his kind consideration and concern for even strangers. The hack driver arranges lunch for him, accompanies him everywhere.

The lawyer was too touched and obliged by the behaviour of Bill. He became fond of his simplicity – and humanity. He imagined an honest and happy life beyond the strict limits of universities and law firms. He decided to come to New Mullion and start a new beautiful life.

He must have reconsidered his idea of settling down at New Mullion after realising the fact of being deceived by Lutkins under his nose. He could not foresee the malignant and mischievious intentions of Bill under the cover of simplicity and innocence.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 5.
Do you think the lawyer was gullible? How could he have avoided being taken for a ride?
‘Gullible’ means ‘someone easily deceived’. We can say that the lawyer was gullible. ‘Lutkins’ under the facelet of Bill befooled him, deceived him the whole day. He was with him but he never let disclose his real identity to the lawyer.

But the lawyer could have avoided it. He could refuse his offer of ride across the village. He could have taken another hack or cart. Moreover he could have got down from the cart himself and asked about Lutkins from somebody himself. Definitely he would have found Lutkins but he was totally dependant on the hack driver who befooled him.

The Hack Driver Extra Questions and Answers

The Hack Driver Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Lutkins was really ‘a hard fellow to catch’. How?
Lutkins was really a hard fellow to catch. He was a crook. He impressed the narrator by his open friendly and affectionate nature. He disguised himself many times. He had a good relationship with all in his village. So, it was difficult to catch him.

Question 2.
How does Lutkins befool the lawyer?
Oliver Lutkins was the hack driver. He impressed the narrator by his simplicity and pleasant appearance. He introduced himself as Bill. The hack driver made a complete fool of the narrator by taking him to all the places where he could find Lutkins but every time missed him by a fraction of minutes. He had a good understanding with his town folks who helped him in befooling the lawyer.

Question 3.
How did the hack driver sketch the character of Lutkins?
The hack driver called Lutkins “a good for nothing fellow”. He told that Lutkins did not stick to any single place. The hack driver tried to portray Lutkins as a shrewd and shoddy person. He told the narrator that Lutkins was fond of playing poker. He borrowed money from many people. He was a perfect duper. He was known for taking people for a ride.

Question 4.
What attitude did the lawyer have for country life? How did his experience at New Mullion change it?
The lawyer hated city life as he found city people cunning and at times very aggressive. He assumed country life to be sweet and simple but his visit to New Mullion completely changed his attitude. He was disappointed with sights at the countryside and above all, he was duped by Lutkins who changed his assumption that country life was simpler than the city life.

Question 5.
What does the narrator describe as ‘a pretty disrespectful treatment’?
The hack driver took the narrator to the farmyard of his mother. He introduced the young lawyer to Lutkins’ mother as a young man representing the court in the city. They followed her to the kitchen. But they ran for cover as she brought out a hot iron rod from the kitchen to shove them away. The lawyer called it ‘a pretty disrespectful treatment’.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 6.
What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkins’ mother?
The hack driver told the narrator that Lutkins’ mother was a real terror. She was about nine feet tall and four feet thick and quick as a cat. She could also put people down by talking. It was proved when on meeting the narrator, she did not show respect for him. She chased him with a hot iron ‘ rod.

Question 7.
Describe the young lawyer’s first encounter with the hack driver.
When the young lawyer reached New Mullion to serve summons on Oliver Lutkins, he came across a man of forty who was red-faced and cheerful. He introduced himself as Bill, the hack driver. The narrator trusted him and told him about his purpose to visit the place.

Question 8.
Who was the hack driver? What really hurt the narrator’s feelings?
The hack driver himself was Oliver Lutkins. He was not Bill Magnuson as he had told the narrator. He had befooled the narrator. The narrator’s feelings were hurt when Lutkins and his mother both laughed at him as though he were a boy of seven.

Question 9.
Which were the places where the narrator and hack driver went to search for Lutkins? How was he missed everywhere?
The hack driver took the narrator to many places in New Mullion to locate Lutkins. Some of them were Fritz’s place, Gustaff’s barber shop, Gray’s barber shop, poolroom and his mother’s farmyard. He was missed everywhere by five minutes or so.

Question 10.
How was the hack driver recognised?
The lawyer was ordered to go back to New Mullion to fetch Lutkins with a man who had worked with Lutkins. He saw Bill the hack driver with Lutkin’s mother talking and laughing at the platform. His escort told him that Bill was Lutkins himself.

Question 11.
How did the people at the law firm receive the narrator?
The Chief of the law firm was very angry with the narrator. The narrator was sent back to New Mullion to trace Oliver Lutkins with another man, who had worked with Lutkins earlier.

Question 12.
Why did the narrator, a young lawyer, not like his job in a law firm?
The narrator, a young lawyer, did not like his job in a law firm. He joined the law firm to practise as a lawyer but he was given work of a delivery boy who had to serve summons on people. He had to-go to dirty and shadowy corners of the city. Sometimes, he even got beaten up.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 13.
How did Lutkins’ mother treat the lawyer?
The hack driver ‘Bill’ introduced the narrator as a representative of the city court, and that he had a legal right to search all properties of Oliver Lutkins. The mother went inside the kitchen and got an iron rod from the old fashioned store and marched on them shouting and scaring them away.

Question 14.
Why was the narrator disappointed when he reached New Mullion?
The narrator was disappointed when he reached New Mullion because he did not like the muddy streets and unpainted looks of shops and houses. It was a small town that held no attraction.

Question 15.
What job did the narrator get after graduation? Did he like his work?
The narrator got the job of a junior assistant clerk in a law firm. He was assigned the job of serving summons. He did not like his work as he had to go to muddy and dirty streets and sometimes he was given a beating too. The work was somewhat mean and he wanted to change it.

Question 16.
Why was he happy to go to New Mullion? Why did he go there?
He was happy to go to New Mullion, because it was forty miles away and he didn’t have to go to dirty and muddy streets and corners of the city to trace his victims. He had to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins.

Question 17.
What sight did the lawyer find at the station “agreeable”?
The delivery man at the station was the only agreeable sight at the station. He left a deep impression on the narrator’s mind. He was a very amiable person, the narrator really admired him. His earnest demeanour, simplicity and humour refreshed the young lawyer.

Question 18.
With what impression did the lawyer come back to the city?
The narrator returned to the city fully satisfied and feeling great. He was happily impressed by the town New Mullion and its simple, slow-speaking, wise neighbours. He was so impressed that he wanted to settle down there.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

Question 19.
Why do you think were the neighbours anxious to meet the lawyer?
The narrator had accompanied the hack driver ‘Bill’, to find Lutkins, to many neighbourhood houses. One neighbour was left, where the narrator could not go. Lutkins and his mother described the young lawyer as an innocent boy who had been duped by Lutkins. This neighbour was also keen to look at the young lawyer who was duped by Lutkins.

Question 20.
Where did the narrator have his lunch at New Mullion? What was special about the lunch?
The narrator was hungry. He wanted to offer lunch to the hack driver too. The hack driver suggested that they would have lunch prepared by his wife on Wade’s Hill. And he charged half a dollar from the narrator. The narrator enjoyed the peaceful scenic beauty of meadows and woods while he had his lunch.

The Hack Driver Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
In life, people who easily trust others are sometimes made to look foolish. One should not be too trusting. Describe how Oliver Lutkins made a fool of the young lawyer. [2018]
In the story Oliver Lutkins made a fool of the young lawyer. When the lawyer reached New Mullion, Lutkins came up with his plan to fool the lawyer when the lawyer told him that he was looking for Oliver Lutkins, Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. When the lawyer said he needed to catch the afternoon train back he realized that he would need to keep him occupied till he left.

He also had to ensure that the lawyer did not speak or question anyone else about him or he would be caught. He therefore told the lawyer that Lutkins never paid anybody a cent and so if he tried to collect money from him in his fancy clothes he would be suspicious and get away. Instead he would go into Fritz’s and ask for Lutkins, and the lawyer was kept out of sight behind him.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 8 The Hack Driver

In this way Lutkins was always the first to enter a place and prevented the lawyer from directly meeting and speaking to the people. He would then most probably take the people into his confidence so that no one let out the secret of his true identity. At last Bill cornered a friend of Lutkins and made him

admit that he had gone out to his mother’s farm. He then convinced the lawyer that Lutkins’ mother was a terror and so it was best that he dealt with her himself. He introduced himself and the lawyer to her and told her the reason for their visit. This introduction was enough for her to get an idea about what was happening and she too put on an act and did not let out the secret but managed to make a fool of the young lawyer.

Question 2.
Lutkins appeared humble but he was not. Appearances can be deceptive.
Do you think in real life we come across such people frequently? Does it indicate lack of integrity in human?
Lutkins appeared humble but he was not. When the lawyer came to the city, he was happy to meet the hack driver. In fact, the hack driver himself was Oliver Lutkins. He impressed the lawyer with his simplicity and nature. He befooled the lawyer by taking him in search of Lutkins. He pretended to be honest and helpful but he just befooled the lawyer.

Yes, in real life we come across such people. Their appearance is deceptive. They present themselves as caring, friendly and cooperative. Initially, they show their care and concern but when they get an opportunity, they show their true colours and dupe us. There is no compassion in them. Yes, it indicates lack of integrity in human values. There is a lack of commitment, honesty and sensitiveness.

Question 3.
Lutkins played with the emotions of the young lawyer. By the end of the story, he was hurt on knowing the truth of the hack driver. Would you call Lutkins an insensitive fellow? Should we hurt the feeling of somone like this?
Lutkins played with the emotions of the young lawyer. He impressed him by his deceptive nature. He pretended to help him. But he was making a fool out of him. He roamed around the city with the lawyer in search of Lutkins. He did not reveal that he himself was Lutkins. Wherever he went, he made the lawyer a laughing stock for others.

Everyone was amused to see how Lutkins was making a fool of the lawyer. By the end of the story when the lawyer revisited the place, he was hurt to know how the hack driver had befooled him. No doubt the hack driver was an insensitive human being. He did not care for his emotions. No, we should not hurt someone’s emotions for the sake of self¬entertainment.

Class 10 English Supplementary Reader Footprints Without Feet Question Answer:

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