NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12 Freedom

Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for 11 Political Science Chapter 12  Freedom Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.

Freedom NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12

Freedom Questions and Answers Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12

Question 1.
What is meant by freedom? Is there a relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation?
The meaning of Freedom : The concept of Freedom is very wide and deep. There have been constant urge of human being to remain free and independent but history is full of examples which show that man and societies have been victim of exploitation by more powerful and tyranical groups.

However history also shows that there have been heroic struggles against such exploitations which proves the human urge for freedom. Is simple way we can say that freedom is the urge to live in one’s is own way without any external interference and control. Urge for freedom represents the desire of people to be in control of their own lives and destinies and to have right to express themselves through their own choices and activities.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12 Freedom

Practical aspect of freedom can be understood in terms of free expression and actions with reasonable restrictions sanctioned by social, cultural and legal organisations and authorities.

There is close relationship between freedom for the individual and freedom for the nation. Nation is group of individual which behaves like an individual. There is no much difference of attributes of freedom of individual and freedom of nation, which behaves like a living creature and expects its own control.

Exploitation of a nation is like a exploitation of individual. Heroic struggle at national level against the national and communitari an exploitation shows the resemblance between individual freedom and freedom of nations.

Like many countries of the world who fought against their exploitation, India also fought a long battle against the colonials and empirical exploitation of India and ultimately got its freedom on 15th August’ 1947. Nelson Mandela and his colleagues waged long struggle against the British policy of racialism against the black and it was also a struggle to remove the obstacles to the freedom of all the people of South Africa. Mandela said in his book ‘Long Walk to Freedom’. Therefore we can say that urge of individual freedom represents the urge for national freedom or freedom of a Nation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12 Freedom

Question 2.
What is the difference between the negative and positive conception of liberty?
There are two aspects of liberty, one is negative aspect and another is positive aspect of liberty.
1. Negative aspect of liberty
Negative aspect of liberty means ‘absence of restraints’ which means absolute liberty. It demands that to enjoy absolute liberty there should be no any kind of restraints, constraints or restrictions. A man should be allowed to develop in his own way in.all social, economic, cultural and political way. But this kind of liberty is not possible in a collective life in a civil society. There has to be some kind of adjustments and bindings in a collective life.

2. Positive aspect of liberty
Positive aspect of liberty seeks to expect a socio-economic and political environment in which further development of the people is conducive without any unreasonable restrictions. It means that positive aspect of liberty allows reasonable constraints and restrictions as long as they do not destroy the liberty itself.

It is based on the thinking that reasonable restrictions do not harms liberty rather it protects and promote liberty. Rousseau, Hegal, Marx and Gandhi were main supporters of the concept of positive aspect of liberty.

This aspect of liberty seeks to build the environment and kind of relationship between the individual and society that there are minimum restrictions. Positive liberty recognizes that one can be free only in society and not outside it. Therefore it requires such developments of the individuals in which their expression could be to the fullest extent.

Question 3.
What is meant by social constraints? Are constraints of any kind necessary for enjoying freedom?
The word social constraints stands for social restrictions and social control on the expression and behaviour of man. These restrictions may come from domination and external control. These restrictions may be imposed through different methods like organisations and laws and by customs like caste system and inequilitarian structure of the society and the sense of high and low in the social system.

Social and legal constraints are necessary for the actual realisation of freedom or liberty provided the constraints and restrictions should be justified, reasonable. We need constraints for the sake of freedom of the people because without the reasonable constraints and restrictions, there will be no order in the society Which would invite the loss of freedom of the people.

Question 4.
What is the role of state in upholding freedom of its citizens?
State Anarchists say that state is a hindrance in the freedom of man, therefore there should not be any institution like the State. Individualists say that ‘state is necessary evil’ hence propose a police state to protect human freedom from external aggressions and internal dangers.

Since in modem situation the concept of freedom and essential ingredients of freedom have changed therefore the role of state is also changed. Today it is accepted fact that we need constraints and reasonable restrictions to safeguard and protect the freedom. The legitimate and reasonable constraints are provided by the state because state has authority.

State is a supported system by the people. They have faith in them. Therefore they accept the directions and regulations of the states and mend their behaviour accordingly. State frame the useful policies and enact welfare laws for the people to make their life comfortable and meaningful which is the essence of freedom. Therefore state is playing positive role for upholding freedom.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12 Freedom

Question 5.
What is meant by freedom of expression? What is your view would be a reasonable restriction on this freedom? Give examples.
Freedom of expression is the fundamental requirement to make democracy meaningful and successful. Freedom of expression means that a person should be allowed to express himself or herself the way he likes i.e. through writings, acting, painting, speaking or through some artistic creation.

When we say that right of expression or to say the freedom of expression is the essence of democracy, we also have to accept that unbridled right of expression is also negation of democracy. For true realisation of freedom of expression, observance of responsibility and control through reasonable restrictions is must.

When we say that there should be restriction on the freedom of expression, but we will have to ensure that these restrictions should be reasonable which mean these restrictions should be just rational and humane so that freedom of expression is not destroyed while imposing restrictions.

We can substantiate this thesis by the example of India. Indian Constitution has provided Right of Expression to its citizen but there is also provision of imposing reasonable restrictions if the Right of Expression of the citizen will become prejudious to the law and order, peace and national security. So reasonable restriction can be imposed in given conditions with definite purpose whose authentity is open for judicial review.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 12 Freedom

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