Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for 11 Political Science Chapter 15 Rights Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.
Rights NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 15
Rights Questions and Answers Class 11 Political Science Chapter 15
Question 1.
What are rights and why they are important? What are the bases on which claims to rights can be made?
Rights are the socio, economic conditions, circumstances, demands and claims which we put before the society and state for our development. There are demands which we claim as a human being and as a citizen of a state. Infact one of the grounds on which rights have been claimed is that they represent conditions, socio-economic and political facilities which we consider very necessary of leading a qualitative and dignified life.
Rights are the creation of society’ and collective life. Rights are expectations from each other. No Right can be considered in isolation. In collective life in the society, rights cannot be absolute. They can be availed and enjoyed in relativity and responsibility. Every right carry the responsibility.
Rights and duties and responsibilities are indispensable part and side of each other. One’s right is another’s obligation. Rights are those conditions of life which have been demanded di fferently at different point of times as per the level of development and awareness.
Rights’ are necessary circumstances and conditions which are needed for the alround development of the people. These are the facilities which are necessary for welfare of the people and for leading a descent and dignified life. Another ground on which rights have been claimed is that they are necessary for our well-being.
Rights enable the development of man is skill and talents. Some rights are very basic and fundamental we can say that rights are the environmental circumstances and conditions which are available in group life and which are necessary for our development and welfare.
Question 2.
On what grounds are some rights considered to be universal is nature? Identify three rights which your consider universal. Give reasons.
Although all the rights are necessary and important as living conditions but certain rights are considered universal because they are demanded and expected by all the people of all the ages irrespective of their habitations and civilisation. These rights are fundamental for human existence. As explained earlier rights are those basic conditions which are considered to be necessary for leading a respectable and dignified life. In fact these rights are the conditions which act as the source of self-respect and dignity for human beings. Following rights are considered to be universal:
- Right to livelihood.
- Freedom of expression
- Right to education.
1. Right to Livelihood
One’s livelihood is the bases of leading and living of life. Therefore it is very important and necessary and universal. If one is getting gainful employment, it will give him economic independence and it will promote his dignity and status. When one needs, particularly economic needs, are fulfilled our talents and skills are exploited and polished.
2. Freedom of Expression
Right of Expression gives us the opportunity to express ourselves in different way which will make us creative and original. We may express ourselves by writing, speaking or in any artistic manner. Right of Expression is the base of democratic culture and democratic system of government. Right of expression builds the personality of man.
3. Right to Education
Right of Education helps us in developing our mental, moral and psychological capacities. It gives us useful skills and enables us to make better choices in life, ft is therefore Right to Educations is also considered as universal right.
Question 3.
Describe briefly some of the new rights, claims which are being put forward in our country today for example the rights of tribal people to protect their habitat and way of life, or the rights of children against bonded labour.
Today’s world is world of democratic environment and increasing awareness and conciousness about the culture, caste, colour, region, religion and occupations. The alround development is related with their rights of education, culture, and religion. It is therefore people are being given rights in these new areas like, education, culture, children’s rights, women’s rights, old age people’s rights, human rights; labourer’s rights, farmer’s rights, environmental rights etc.
Today’s societies are general ly the plural society in which the citizens are given right to develop and protect their socio, cultural habitat. In Indian Constitution Fundamental Right of education and culture is given which gives right to the people of different regions to develop and maintain their cultural identities.
They have definite pattern of habitation, they have definite dress, traditions, festivals and other celebrations. They have right to promote their culture through education. Children are given right against exploitation to remove the age old social evils like bonded labour. Children are given fundamental rights in this respect.
Question 4.
Differentiate between political, economic and cultural rights. Give examples of each kind of right.
Although people need different conditions and facilities which they claim as rights but socio-economic and cultural and political rights are considered most important for alround development of the people universally. Political rights are those rights, facilities and circumstances through which people aie given right of individual development and participation in democratic process. Followings are some important political rights:
- Equality before law
- Right of expression
- Right to vote
- Right to be elected
- Right to elect the representative
- Right to form the associations
- Right to form the political parties.
Economic Rights
Economic Rights are those living conditions and circumstances which are needed for man’s material development i.e. food, clothes, rest and employment. Economic rights also includes adequate wages to meet their needs and reasonable conditions of work, political rights and economic rights are corelated. Main economic rights are as under:
- Right to work
- Right of having reasonable conditions of work
- Right of Employment
- Right of adequate wages
- Right of leisure
- Right of minimum needs like housing, food, clothings etc.
- Right of property
- Right of medical facilities.
Cultural Rights
Besides the economic and pol itical rights cultural rights are equal ly important for human development and dignified life and emotional, psychological and moral development. Followings are the main cultural rights:
- Right to have primary education
- Right to have local dress, festivals, worship and celebrations
- Right to develop educational institutions for the promotion of local dialect, language and geography.
Question 5.
Rights place some limits on the authority of the state. Explain with examples.
Since Rights are the demands and claims from the state, it is natural that, it poses certain obligations on the state to provide definite conditions and facilities for the citizens for their welfare and development. It puts limits on the working of the state. The rights of the citizens seek to ensure that the authority of the state is exercised without violating the sanctity of individual’s life and liberty.
No doubt the powerful institution with its sovereign powers but relationship in me citizens determine the nature of sovereignty. State does not exist for its own sake but for the people. It is people who matters more and it is their development and welfare which is the criterion of the sovereignty of the state. The rulers of the state are responsible and accountable for their action to the people.
Law regulates the relationship between the individual and the state. It is the duty of the state to provide necessary conditions which are claimed and demanded by the people for their development and welfare. The state has to take decision in this regard but its authority is definitely checked and limited.