NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.

Nationalism NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17

Nationalism Questions and Answers Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17

Question 1.
How is a nation different from other forms of collective belonging?
Man is a social being. It is because of this nature man always lead his life in different groups. His first such group from where he starts his life is Family. From the family he comes in the contact of society and different association. Then after association is state or we can say Nation.

State is most disciplined and organised institution. State is organised and disciplined because it has sovereignty i.e. supreme power over the citizens and subjects. Among all these groupings the basis of collective organisation of nation is different to others.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

The basis of family is blood relation, the basis of society is interdependence of the people and groups and the basis of associations is to achieve the definite objective. All these social groupings are the groups of people.

The basis of organisation of Nation is nationality which is the group of people of same race, same history, same culture, same ethos and beliefs and same geography. Nationality generates the feelings of patriotism. Because of commanalities of various elements, they share common future vision. It is in this way that the nation is different from other collective social groups.

Question 2.
What do you understand by the right to national self¬determination? How has this idea resulted in both formation of and challenges to are nation states?
The theory of self-determination is the bases of democratic and plural culture of the society. The theory of self-determination was given by Former President just at the time of First World War. Right of Self-determination is that every social and cultural group or the people of identical culture and geography must have the right to choose the law of choice. It also means the law governing a social group must reflect the social, cultural, linguistic, regional and geographical aspirations of the social groups for which that law is made.

Through this right, the nations seek to govern themselves and determine their future development. In making such claims a nation seeks recognition and acceptance by the international commun ity of its status as a distinct political entity. Most of these claims have come from the people who have lived together on a specific land for a long time and who developed a sense of common identity.

On the one hand this right has made the people of such nationalities confident and participative in the affairs of state and ensured their development but at the same time, this right has created challenges to the state system and separatist tendencis are emerging.

Thus this right has created paradoxical situation when we see diverse trends of unification and disintegration. USSR has broken down due to acceptence of right of self-determination into 15 nation states. Since most of the societies are plural and diverse, every state is facing this problem of minor nationalities. We can give example of Sri Lanka where LTTE is asking separate state and in India different terrorist

groups are demanding JK. as Nation State. The answer lies in the compromise and adjustment between the national interests and the interests of local and regional social groups.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

Question 3.
“We have seen that nationalism can unite people as well as divide them, liberate them as well generate bitterness and conflict.” Illustrate your answer with examples.Neither descent, nor language, nor religion or ethnicity can claim to be a common factor in nationalisms all over the world. Comment.
Nationalism refers to feeling for one’s nation, national interests, national dignity and honour and dedication for the national cause. With the feeling of nationalism our subordinates his personal, regional and linguistic and such parochial interests for the cause and honour of the nation. Nationalism is generated in the people of same nationality i.e. the group of people of same culture, race, history, dialects and geography.

It is the result of awareness of the importance of one’s nation and national history and glory. Today nationalism is linked to patriotism i.e. the spirit and feeling of sacrifice for the country. Nationalism is a emotional and psychological concept which glorify the, land flag, songs of the country. The land is referred as ‘ Maa’ i.e. mother land and is supposed to lay down his everything for the sake of mother i.e. mother land i.e. nation.

History is full of examples which shows how the nationalism liberated the nations and people from the colonial and empirical exploitation. In 19th century and early 20th century many Asian and African countries were liberated as a result of nationalism from the yolk of British colonialism.

In positive sense nationalism is a religion but when one community practice it in its extreme form it is harmful for the mankind. Its extreme and negative form is called as charnism. There are number of philosophies which were developed on the basis of extreme nationalism. In Germany Nazism and in Italy Fascism philosophies emerged which generated the sense of inferiority and superiority and created bitterness, tensions and wars.

Question 4.
Illustrate with suitable examples the factors that lead to the emergence of nationalist feelings.
Followings are the main factors which raises the nationalist feelings:-
1. Common beliefs
The feelings of nationalism is produced when there is sense of togetherness and sense to togetherness is developed when people share common beliefs. When there is collectivity of team they have common objective and aspirations.

2. Common History
When people have the common history of griefs and happiness, glory and defeat, loss and achievements, war and peace, violence and non violence the sense of unity is developed which is an essential feature of nationalism. When the people articulate a sense of their own h istory by drawing on collective memories, legends and historical.records, they use the historical records to evoke the nationalistic feelings.

India has had a long and glorious history as a civilisation which is the basis of India as a nation and the factor for evoking the nationalism in India. Pt. Nehru in his famous book ‘Discovery of India’ has described the glorious civilisation of India.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

3. Common Territory
Common Territory is another factor which evokes nationalism. The territory which is a part of land is emotionalised and spritualised which attach all the people together and creates nationalist feelings and nationalism.

4. Common future aspirations
Future common aspirations unite the people and creates the feeling of nationalism. Shared vision of the future and collective socio, economic and political aspirations for the future unite the people for the cause of nation arid nationalism. They develop values and urge commitments for them. For example P.L.O

5. Common culture
Common culture is another important factor for evoking and generating the nationalism. Common culture constitute, common traditions, festivals, history, geographies and dilects and languages creates collectivity of interests and objective which creates nationalist feelings.

Question 5.
How is a democracy more effective than authoritarian governments in dealing with conflicting nationalist aspirations?
Democracy is a system of governance which is based on equality, pluralism, liberalism and secularism. It is also based on more humanist value. Nationalism is certainly a positive feeling but when the nationalism become negative which is called chaunism, it becomes dangerous and harmful for the society. Extreme nationalism is not desirable because in extreme nationalism man starts to harm the people of other region, religion, culture and language and develops the feelings of intolerence.

Democracy controls and pacifies this kind of extreme nationalism and develops the feeling of tolerence. Democracy brings the people of different religions, regions and culture together in a definite territory. In democracy we cherish the values of equality, justice, equal treatment and liberty for all.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

The democracy strengthens equality among all the sections of society and forge the unity of identity based in common culture, common history, territory and language and shared political beliefs. Democracy enlightens the people and thus removes the conflicting feelings of nationalism.

Question 6.
What do you think are the limitations of nationalism?
As said earliar that nationalism is a desirable and positive feeling which is developed in the people of common identity on the basis of same history, common territory, common dilects and languages and common future aspirations. The feeling of nationalism leads to patriotism which teach the people commitment and sacrifice for the motherland.

The extreme patriotism is a negative feeling and is undesirable and harmful in any society. It leads to intolerance of the people of other religions, regions, culture and nationalities. Therefore there has to be same checks on the extreme and negative form of nationalism. Followings are the main factors which put some limitations on the nationalism and particularly on extreme nationalism

1. Democracy
Democracy is based on equality, justice, tolerance and human values which remove any kind of extremism. There is no place of extremism in democracy. In this way democracy is a big factor in checking and limiting the nationalism.

2. Secularism
Secularism is another important factor which limit the nationalism to the extent of its desirability. Secularism teaches the lesson of peaceful co-existance of all the people of different religion, belief and culture.

3. Pluralism
Pluralism is a feeling which unite the people of diverse society. It is also important factor which limit the nationalism.

4. Internationalism!
Increasing interdependent of one nation over the other also check the negative aspect of nationalism.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Political Science Chapter 17 Nationalism

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