The Quarrel Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 3 NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 3 The Quarrel Question Answer

English Class 6th Honeysuckle Poem 3 The Quarrel Question Answers

The Quarrel Working with the poem

Question 1.
With your partner try to guess the meaning of the underlined phrases.
i. And somehow we fell out.
ii. The afternoon turned black.
i. disagreed or quarrelled with someone about something
ii. turned sad and gloomy

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Question 2.
Read these lines from the poem.

  • One thing led to another
  • The start of it was slight
  • The end of it was strong
  • The afternoon turned black
  • Thumped me on the back

Discuss with your partner what these lines mean.

  • This means that one argument led to another argument, which led to a new quarrel over it, and so on.
  • This means that the flight started over something unimportant.
  • It’s meaning is that the quarrel took an ugly turn towards the end, and ended in a bitter argument.
  • The argument took an ugly turn and made everyone feel sad and bitter.
  • This means that the girl’s brother patted on her back to show her that he wanted to make up after the fight. He no longer wanted to fight, and thumped her back as a gesture to show her his feelings of friendliness.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew Chapter 1 The Best Christmas Present in the World

Question 3.
Describe a recent quarrel that you have had with your brother, sister or friend. How did it start? What did you quarrel about? How did it end? (Encourage the students to come up with their individual answers.)
Recently, I quarrelled with my sister over the TV remote. I wanted to watch a different TV show than her. This led to us quarrelling over who will get the remote. Our mother intervened and said that none of us could watch the TV unless we made up. We both stopped talking to each other, but half an hour later, she said something funny and I could not help smiling. She also responded to my smile with her sweetest smile, and that’s when we hugged and made up. Later, we laughed about it and we watched the TV together.

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