Where Do All the Teachers Go Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 5 NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Question Answer

English Class 6th Honeysuckle Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go Question Answers

Where Do All the Teachers Go Working with the poem

Question 1.
Answer these questions.

i. Why does the poet want to know where the teachers go at four o ’clock?
The poet wants to know where the teachers go at four o’clock because he is curious about them, and wants to know if they are similar to the ordinary mortals that walk on earth. He considers the teachers quite special.

ii. What are the things normal people do that the poet talks about?
The things that normal people do are wear pajamas and watch TV; pick their noses; and wash socks.

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iii. What does he imagine about
a. where teachers live?
b. what they do at home?
c. the people with whom they live?
d. their activities when they were children in school?
a. in houses
b. wash socks; watch TV
c. their parents
d. spelling words incorrectly; making mistakes; getting punished; losing their hymn books; not eating vegetables; scribbling on desk tops

iv. Why does the poet wonder if teachers also do things that other people do?
The poet wonders if teachers also do things that other people do because they are usually strict and forbid others to do most things.

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v. How does the poet plan to find out? What will he do once he finds out?
The poet plans to find out what the teachers do after they reach home. He will write a poem about them once he finds out.

Question 2.
What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?
i. punished in the corner
ii. leave their greens
i. punished in the comer: asking to be stood in a comer of the class as a form of punishment
ii. leave their greens: not eating vegetables

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