NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 5 Questions and Answers

Women Change the World Class 7 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.

Civics Class 7 Chapter 5 Question Answer Solutions

Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 7 SST Civics Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 5 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.

Women Change the World Class 7 Questions Answers

Question 1.
How do you think stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, affect women’s right to equality?

Right to equality provides equal opportunity to everyone irrespective of caste, religion, colour, region as well as sex. When a man thinks as per his perception that she can do or not do this, it is called stereotype. It has been labelled that certain jobs such as teaching, nursing, cooking women can do better while they cannot get success in getting higher education and in engineering, fighting, driving etc. These stereotypes about women’s incapability of doing certain jobs badly affect women’s right to equality.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World

Question 2.
List one reason why learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundrai Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya.

Learning the alphabet was so important to women like Rashsundari Devi, Ramabai and Rokeya because only after learning them, they could become able to write stories, letters and autobiographies which described their own experiences of inequality.

Question 3.
“Poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education.” Re­read the last paragraph on page 62 and explain why this statement is not true.

This statement is not true that poor girls drop out of school because they are not interested in getting an education because of various reasons:

  • There are no proper schools. Sometimes schools are on long distance;
  • There is dearth of teachers;
  • No proper facility of transportation;
  • Poverty is also an important cause for not getting education or leaving the school etc.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Women Change the World

Question 4.
Can you describe two methods of struggle that the women’s movement used to raise issues? If you had to organize a struggle against stereotypes, about what women can or cannot do, what method would you employ from the ones that you have read about? Why would you choose this particular method?

Various methods are used in Women’s Movement to raise issues such as Campaigning, Raising Awareness, Protesting, Showing solidarity etc. The two methods are:

  • Campaigning: Campaigning is one of the important ways to lead the movement. It is a kind of protest. These campaigns have also led to new laws being passed. A law was passed in 2006 against domestic violence on the women.
  • Raising Awareness: An important part of the women’s movements’ work is to raise public awareness on women’s rights issues. Their messages have been spread through street plays, songs and public meetings.

Campaigning and raising awareness played vital role in Women’s Movement. Through these means women can make access upto the mass. In the process of campaigning and raising awareness we have to go door to door for spreading the awareness. And in such a way a field is prepared for a big demonstration. Campaigning and raising awareness demand a long time for struggle, but they affect at large scale.

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