Air Class 7 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science Geography Chapter 4 Air familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.
Geography Class 7 Chapter 4 Question Answer Solutions
Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 7 SST Geography Chapter 4 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 4 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.
Air Class 7 Questions Answers
Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) What is atmosphere?
(ii) Which two gases make the bulk of the atmosphere?
(iii) Which gas creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere?
(iv) What is weather?
(v) Name three types of rainfall.
(vi) What is air pressure?
(i) Our earth is surrounded by a huge blanket of air called atmosphere. All living beings on this earth depend on the atmosphere for their survival.
(ii) Nitrogen and Oxygen make the bulk of the atmosphere. The amount of both gases together is 99% in the atmosphere.
(iii) Carbon dioxide gas creates greenhouse effect in the atmosphere.
(iv) Hour-to-hour, day-to-day condition of the atmosphere is called weather.
(v) Three types of rainfall are:
- Convectional rainfall
- Orographic rainfall
- Cyclonic rainfall
(vi) The pressure exerted by the weight of air on the earth’s surface is known as air pressure.
Question 2.
Tick the correct answer.
(i) Which of the following gases protects us from harmful sun rays?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Ozone
(c) Ozone
(ii) The most important layer of the atmosphere is:
(a) Troposphere
(b) Thermosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(a) Troposphere
(iii) Which of the following layers of the atmosphere is free from clouds?
(a) Troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(iv) As we go up the layers of the atmosphere, the pressure:
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains the same
(b) Decreases
(v) When precipitation comes down to the earth in the liquid form:
(a) Cloud
(b) Rain
(c) Snow
(b) Rain
Question 3.
Match the following.
Column I | Column II |
1. Trade Winds | (a) Permanent wind |
2. Loo | (b) Local wind |
3. Monsoon | (c) Seasonal wind |
4. Wind | (d) Horizontal movement of air |
1. (c)
2. (d)
3. (a)
4. (b)
Question 4.
Give Reasons.
(i) Wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day.
(ii) Amount of insolation decreases from equator towards poles.
(i) On a humid day, evaporation from wet clothes takes place slowly due to low temperature. Hence, wet clothes take longer time to dry on a humid day.
(ii) Insolation comes through vertical rays on equator. As we go up from equator towards poles, the sun rays become slanting. The slanting rays take up more space; the degree of hotness is felt less. Hence the amount of insolation decreases from equator towards poles.
Question 5.
For fun.
(i) Solve this Crossword puzzle with the help of given clues:
Across | Down |
6. An Indian tree having extraordinary quality of providing oxygen round the clock | 1. Amount of water vapour in air |
8. Gas present in atmosphere occupying only 0.03% by volume | 2. Condensation of water vapours around dust particles in atmosphere |
11. Outermost layer of atmosphere | 3. Example of local wind blowing in summer in northern India |
12. Mixture of many gases | 4. Short term changes in atmosphere |
14. Life giving gas | 5. Precipitation in liquid form |
15. Air in motion | 7. Blanket of air around the earth |
16. An indian tree valued highly for medicinal properties | 9. Instrument to measure pressure |
18. Gas protecting us from harmful sunrays | 10. Incoming solar radiation |
19. Low pressure area | 13. Reduces visibility in winters |
17. It is time when sun is overhead |
- Humidity
- Cloud
- Loo
- Weather
- Rain
- Peepal
- Atmosphere
- Carbon Dioxide
- Barometer
- Insolation
- Exosphere
- Air
- Fog
- Oxygen
- Wind
- Neem
- Noon
- Ozone
- Cyclone
(ii) Make a weather calendar for one week. Use pictures or symbols to show different types of weather. You can use more than one symbol in a day, if the weather changes. For example, the sun comes out when rain stops. An example is given below:
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