Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Extra Questions Temperature and its Measurement

Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Temperature and its Measurement Important Extra Questions and Answers

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What is temperature?
The temperature of an object is the degree of hotness or coldness of the object.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 2.
What is the normal temperature of human body on celsius scale?
The normal temperature of human body is 37°C.

Question 3.
What is the name of the thermometer which has a temperature range:
(a) from -10°C to 110°C ?
(b) from 35° to 42°C ?
(a) Laboratory thermometer.
(b) Clinical thermometer.

Question 4.
What is the range of a clinical thermometer on Fahrenheit scale ?
94°F to 108° F

Question 5.
What is the normal temperature of human body on Fahrenheit scale ?
The normal temperature of human body on Fahrenheit scale is 98.6°F.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 6.
What is the S.I. unit of temperature?
The S.I. unit of temperature is kelvin.

Question 7.
Name the thermometers used during COVID-19 panademic.
Infrared thermometers or non-contact thermometers.

Question 8.
Why mercury thermometer is preferred to alcohol thermometer ?
Alcohol thermometer can not measure the temperature above 78°C

Question 9.
Name the liquid which is commonly used in making thermometers ?

Question 10.
What is heat?
Heat is form of energy makes any object or cold.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 11.
Convert the following temperatures to celsius scale :
(a) 300 K
(b) 573 K
(a) 300 K =(300-273)=27°C
(b) 573=(573-273)°C =300°C

Question 12.
Convert the following temperatures to kelvin scale :
(a) 25°C
(b) 373°C
(a) 25°C =(25+273) K=298K
(b) 373=(373+273) K=646K

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Convert the following temperatures to the celsius scale :
(a) 293 K
(b) 470 K
(a) 293 K =(293-273.15)°C
= 19.85°C

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

(b) 470 K =(470-273.15)

Question 2.
Convert the following temperature to the kelvin scale :
(a) 25°C
(b) 373°C
(a) 25°C =(25+273.15)K
=298.15 K

(b) 373°C =(373+273.15)
=646.15 K

Question 3.
What are the precautions needed while reading a laboratory thermometer ?
(i) The thermometer should be kept upright.
(ii) The bulb should not touch the surface of the container.

Question 4.
Write any two similarities between laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometer.
Similarities between laboratory thermometer and a clinical thermometer:
(i) In both types of thermometers, thermometric liquid is mercury.
(ii) In both types of thermometers, scale of temperature is celsius.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 5.
Why is mercury considered an ideal liquid for thermbmeters ?
Mercury is considered an ideal liquid because :
(i) Mercury is a shiny liquid metal, and therefore can be easily seen.
(ii) Mercury does not stick to glass.

Question 6.
When are the maximum and minimum temperature likely to occurding the day?
The maximum temperature of the day occurs in the afternoon but the minimum temperature occurs in the early normal.

Question 7.
What is the role of kink (constriction) in the capillary of a clinical thermometer?
The kink prevents the mercury level in the thermometer tube falling on its own. So, even when the thermometer bulb is removed from the mouth of a patient, the mercury thread will keep standing at the maximum level reached. Due to this, we can read the correct body temperature of the patient even after removing the thermometer bulb from the mouth.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 8.
Explain the working of a digital thermometer.

  • Reset the thermometer by pressing the reset button.
  • Place the thermometer under the tongue and close your mouth.
  • Wait till the thermometer makes beeping sound or flashes a light.
  • Take it out from the mouth and read the temperature on the digital display. This is the body temperature of the person.

Question 9.
Write two advantages of using digital thermometers.

  • A good quality digital thermometer records body temperature more accurately than ordinary, mercury-in glass type thermometer.
  • It is a safer device because it does not contain mercury which is toxic substance.

Question 10.
Write two precautions to be taken while measuring the temperature of water.
Precautions :

  • The thermometer should be held vertical.
  • The bulb of thermometer should be well surrounded by water (the substance whose temperature is to be measured.)

Question 11.
How are transparent materials different from translucent materials.
A laboratory thermometer does not have a constriction. It has to be read when it is in contact with the material whose temperature is being measured.

Question 12.
What is the limitation of clinical thermometer?
We cannot use clinical thermometer for measuring the temperature of any object more than 42C. (more than body temperature).

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 13.
How do we read a laboratory thermometer?
In case of laboratory thermometer, thermometer has to be read while thermometer is in contact with the material whose temperature is being measured. For example, to record the temperature of warm water, the temperature has to be read while the thermometer is immersed in warm water.

Question 14.
The normal body temperature of boy is 98.6°F. Calculate the temperature in celsius scale.
\(\frac{C}{5} = \frac{F-32}{9} \)
F = 98.6°F
Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7.1
Thus, the temperature in celsius seal.

Question 15.
Write three differences between laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometer.

Property Laboratory thermometer Clinical thermometer
1. Temperature range 0°C-100°C 35°C—42°C
2. Position at the .time of reading Bulb remains in contact with the substances Reading after removing from the body.
3. Kink or constriction No kink Knick present.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 16.
Write any three precautions while using a clinical thermometer.

  • Wash the thermometer with an antiseptic solution or alcohol. Let it dry in air.
  • Hold the thermometer from its top-end and read the level of mercury.
  • If the level of mercury is about 35°C bring it down by giving a few jerks to the thermometer. This will force the mercury level to move down.

Question 17.
Why we should not measure the temperature of hot water by using a clinical thermometer ?
The temperature of hot water is very high due to which it will cause a large expansion of mercury. Since there is no extra space in the glass tube of clinical thermometer to accommodate large expansion of mercury, the thermometer tube will break.

Question 18.
Describe a celsius scale of temperature.
On this scale, temperature is described in degree celsius (°C). The lower fixed point (ice point) of the celsius scale is taken as 0°C, and the upper fixed point (stem point) of the scale is taken as 100°C. The interval between these two points is divided into 100.(= 100-0) equal intervals. Thus, the unit division on this scale corresponds to a temperature equal to 1°C.

Question 19.
Name a liquid suitable for the use in thermometer designed to measure a temperature between – 10°C and 250°C. Give reason.
Mercury is suitable for the use in thermometer to measure a temperature . between – 10°C and 250°C because :

  • its freezing point is – 39°C
  • its boiling point is 357°C.

Question 20.
How does a clinical thermometer work ?
When we put the thermometer bulb in the mouth of a patient, then some of the body heat of patient is transferred to the mercury in the thermometer bulb. This heat makes the liquid mercury thread is pushed to a higher level in the thermometer tube. Higher the fever of a patient, greater will be his body heat and therefore higher will be the temperature shown by the thermometer.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 21.
The normal body temperature of a girl is 37°C. Calculate the temperature in
\(\frac{\mathrm{C}}{\mathrm{S}}\) =\(\frac{F-32}{9}\)
Given = 37°C
Putting the value of C in the above expression, we get
\(\frac{37}{5} =\frac{\mathrm{F}-32}{9}\)
5(F-32) = 333
or 5F -160 = 333
or 5F = 333+160=493
or F = \(\frac{493}{5}\) = 98.6F

Question 22.
While taking temperature of patients
(a) Why doctor dips the thermometer in a liquid before use.
(b) Why the thermometer is kept under the tongue.
(c) Whether the body temperature can be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth.
(a) The doctor dips the thermometer in liquid before use to disinfect it.
(b) The thermometer is kept under the tongue because this part of body contains accurate body temperature.
(c) We can measure the temperature of the body by keeping thermometer at some places other than mouth like arm pit.

Question 23.
Describe Fahrenheit scale of temperature.
On this scale, the unit of temperature is degree Fahrenheit and is denoted by °F. The Fahrenheit scale is not used in most scientific studies any more. The lower fixed point (ice point) of the Fahrenheit scale is taken as 32°F and the upper fixed point (steam point) of this scale is taken as 212°F. The internal between the two fixed points is divided into 180 divisions.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Give an activity to find the temperature of tap water.

  • Suspend the thermometer from a stand with the help of a hook.
  • Place a 100 mL beaker just below the thermometer.
  • Pour tap water into the beaker such that the bul of thermometer is completely dipped in water.
  • Observe the mercury thread in the thermometer.
  • Read the temperature when it becomes constant. Recored it in your note-book.
    Result : Temperature of taper water = ………………….°C

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 2.
Describe the construction of a laboratory thermometer.
A laboratory thermometer is used in laboraties for measuring temperature while per-forming experiments. It consists of a very fine capillary tube, protected by a thick glass tube called the stem of the thermometer. The lower end of the capillary tube is converted into a glass bulb filled with mercury and the upper end of this tube is sealed.

The stem is marked in °C or °F. The commonly used laboratory thermometer have a range from -10°C to 110°C. The upper fixed point is 110°C.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7.2

A laboratory thermometer. lower fixed point is -10°C. When the object is in contact with a hot object, the mercury in the capillary tube expands and rises up when the thermometer is in contact with a cold object, the mercury in the capillary tube contracts and falls down.

Question 3.
Draw diagram of a clinical thermometer and explain its workings.
1. Wash the thermometer before use with an antiseptic solution and dry it using a cotton swab.
2. Hold the thermometer firmly and give it a few jerks to bring the level of mercury below 35°C.
3. Place the bulb of the thermometer under your tongue for about 2 minutes. In case of a child, place if below the armpit and not in the mouth.
Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7.3
4. After 2 minutes, take out the thermometer and read the mercury level of the thermometer by holding it horizontally in the line of sight. This will give your body temperature in C.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 4.
Write the precautions to be observed while reading a thermometer.

  • Thermometer should always be washed before and after use.
  • Read the thermometer by honding it horizontally. So as to keep the level of mercury along the line of sight.
  • Do not hold the thermometer by the bulb while reading it.
  • Do not dip the thermometer in boiling water as it will break the bulb.
  • Avoid keeping the thermometer in the sun-light or near a flame, it may break.

Question 5.
What are the various types of information usually carried by the daily weather report in a newspaper?
The daily weather report carries information about the temperatures, humidity and rainfail during the past 24 hours. It also gives the timings of sunrise, sunset, moon rise and moonset. The weather report also predicts the weather for the day. Weather reports are prepared by the meteorologists of the meteorology department of the government. Meteorological department collects all the data on the condition of atmosphere (like temperature, cloud formation, rainfall or snow fall, etc.) from various sources and prepares the weather report.

Question 6.
Perform an activity to measure the temperature of water when it is being heated, when it is boiling and when it is cooling.
Material Required : A laboratory thermometer, a container to heat water, a source of heat and a stop watch.

Procedure :

  • Fill the container about half with water.
  • Put it on a burner.
  • Measure the temperature of water after every two minutes.
  • Let the water boil, keep measuring the temperature of boiling water. Insert your observations in the table.
  • Having taken a few observatiosn while the water is boiling, remove the container from the burner.
  • Measure the temperature of the cooling water a few times. Insert your observations in the table.


S.No. Time (min) Temperature (°C)
1. 0 30 (Room temperature)
2. 2
3. 4

Observations : We found that at first the temperature of water increases, the temperature remains constant when water is boiling and then it comes down when heating is stopped.

Conclusion : As long as the water is boiling, there is no change in its temperature.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Picture Based Questions

I. Observe the picture and answer the following questions
Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7.4

Question 1.
Name the device which is used to measure temperature of any object.
(a) Thermometer
(b) Scale
(c) Tube
(b) Mercury
(a) Thermometer.

Question 2.
What is the range of the thermometer, you have used ?
(a) -10°C to 90°C.
(b) -10°C to 110°C.
(c) -10°C to 120°C.
(b) None of these
(b)-10°C to 110°C.

Question 3.
What does the figure represent ?
The figure represents measuring temperature of warm water.

II. Observe the above picture and answer the following questions:

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7.5

Question 1.
What does the figure represent?
(a) Laboratory thermometer
(b) Digital thermometer
(c) A clinical Thermometer
(b) None of these
(c) A clinical thermometer.

Question 2.
What is the range of clinic -1 thermometer?
(a) 35°C to 42°C
(b) 40°C to 45°C
(c) 55°C to 60°C
(b) None of these
(a) 35°C to 42°C

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 3.
What is the normal temperature of our body?
(a) 40°C
(b) 37°C
(c) 57°C
(b) 92°C
(b) 37°C

Question 4.
What is the use of kink in clinical thermometer ?
It prevents mercury level from falling of its own.

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Case Based Questions

I. Earlier mercury thermometers were used for measuring the body temperature. But mercury is an extremely substance and is difficult to dispose of if the thermometer breaks accidently.

Question 1.
Which liquid is used in the bulb of a thermometer?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Lead
(c) Mercury
(d) Zinc
(c) Mercury.

Question 2.
What is the range of laboratory thermometer?
(a) -10°C to 100°C
(b) -10°C to 140°C
(c) -10°C to 110°C
(b) -10°C to 120°C
(c) -10°C to 110°C

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 3.
What is temperature ?
The measure of hotness is called temperature.

II. There is another scale of temperature known as Fahrenheit scale.

On this scale, the unit of temperature is degree Fahrenheit and is denoted by °F. A temperature measured as 37.0°F on celsius scale is equivalent to 98.6°F on Fahrenheit scale. The Fahrenheit scale is not used in most scientific studies any more. In scientific work, there is another scale of temperature known as kelvin scale. On this scale, the unit for temperature is kelvin and is denoted by k.

Question 1.
What is the S.L unit of temperature?
(a) Kelvin
(b) Joule
(c) Celcius
(d) Fahrenheit
(a) Kelvin.

Question 2.
What is the range of Fahrenheit thermometer?
(a) 32°F to 212°F
(b) 35°F to 214°F
(c) 33°F to 215°C
(d) 45°F to 300°F
(a) 32°F to 212°F

Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 7

Question 3.
What is the relationship between celsius and Fahrenheit scale?
Here C= temperature in celsius scale.
F= temperature in Fahrenheit scale.

Class 6 Science Extra Questions

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