Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

Class 6 Social Science Chapter 4 Notes Timeline and Sources of History

→ Afterlife: A life that begins after death.

→  Archaeologist: A person who studies human! history and prehistory through the excavation: of sites and the analysis of physical remains.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

→ Era: A distinct period of time.

→ Folklore: The traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community. passed through: the generations by word of mouth.

→ Gregorian calendar: The calendar now used internationally.

→ Hamlet: A small settlement or small village.

→ Historian: A person who studies and writes about the past.

→ History: The study of the human past.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

→ Inscriptions: Words or texts written or cut in some material such as stone or, metal.

→ Source of history: A place, a person, text or an object from which we gather information: about some past event or period.

→ Geologist: One who study about the Earth and its various features like: soil, hills, rivers, sea, oceans, mountains, etc.

→ Pale ontologist: One who studies the remains of the plants, animals and humans, now available in the form of fossils.

→ Anthropologist: One who studies about the human societies and cultures.

→ About 3,00,000 years ago: Emergence of modern humans, or Homo sapiens.

→ Around 1,00,000 to 12,000 years ago: The period of the last Ice Age.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why studying history is important.
  • Learn how time is measured in history.
  • Identify various sources of history.
  • Explore how early humans lived.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4


Understanding the past helps us make sense of the present and shape the future, to know our history is necessary to make better our present and future, learning of past make aware us about the mistakes

Timeline and Sources of our ancestor have done their History achievements and about the various events However, learning about the past is not straightforward; it requires a systematic approach and the use of various sources. Let’s Explore how we learn about the past in history.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

How Is Time Measured in History?

Different cultures have used their own methods to measure time, often starting new eras with significant events. Today, the Gregorian calendar is widely used, but other calendars like Hindu, Muslim and Chinese are also important for festivals and special events. This calendar is based on the Western understanding of time, where the birth of Jesus Christ is taken as the starting point.

  • Common Era (CE) and Before Common Era (BCE):
  • CE refers to years after the birth of Jesus, previously marked as “AD.”
  • BCE refers to years before Jesus’ birth, previously marked as “BC.”
  • Example: India’s independence in 1947 is written as 1947 CE.
  • Timelines: These help visualise the order of historical events, showing sequences from ancient times to the present.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

What are the Sources of History?
Every object or structure tells a story and can be seen as a piece of a puzzle that helps us understand history.

However, some pieces of the historical puzzle may be missing. But altogether, these objects and structures are a great source that help us know about our past.

Types of Sources: Historians use sources like monuments, inscriptions, trade items, and written records to study the past. Sometimes these sources are very useful, but sometimes they can even be misleading. Therefore, historians must decide which to trust.

The Sources of History can be divided into four broad categories:

  • Oral Sources: Sources that are passed down through speech, such as folklore, legends and genealogies.
  • Archaeological Sources: These sources include structures like monuments and mounds; inscriptions; and artifacts excavated over time, such as tools, weapons, pottery, humans, animals and plants remains (commonly referred to as fossils).
  • Artistic Sources: These sources reflect the artistic skills of the past and include paintings, sculptures, and decorative panels.
  • Literary Sources: All written literature, whether by native writers or foreigners, that has been produced over time.

Who Studies History: Historians work with experts like archaeologists, epigraphists, and anthropologists. Scientific studies and technology (like television, internet, etc.) also provide valuable insights, especially for recent history.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

The Beginnings of Human History

Modern humans, known as Homo sapiens, have existed for 3,00,000 years, which is just a small part of Earth’s history. To trace the history before them, we’ve got to go back to the early humans, who lived in groups, helped each other survive by hunting animals and gathering plants.

They lived in temporary shelters like caves, used fire, and made tools such as stone axes and arrowheads. They also created rock paintings, some of which show scenes with animals and humans.

First Crops: After the last ice Age, which ended about 12,000 years ago, the climate warmed, making life easier. Favourable conditions helped humans to settle down, practice agriculture and domesticate animals like cattle and goats. They often lived near rivers because the soil was fertile, making farming easier.

Social Structure: As communities grew, they became more complex. Leaders or chieftains, took care of the group’s welfare, and the land was used collectively. Villages exchanged goods like food, clothing and tools, and there was the development of new technologies such as pottery and metal working.

Timeline and Sources of History Class 6 Notes Social Science Chapter 4

Emergence of Civilisations: Over time, hamlets grew into towns, leading to the emergence of civilisations. Despite many challenges, early humans’ courage and persistence allowed them to survive and progress.

Class 6 Social Science Notes

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