Students are advised to practice the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production with Answers Pdf free download is available here. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Biology with Answers are prepared as per the Latest Exam Pattern. Students can solve these Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers and assess their preparation level.
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Class 12 MCQs Questions with Answers
Solving the Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Multiple Choice Questions of Class 12 Biology Chapter 9 MCQ can be of extreme help as you will be aware of all the concepts. These MCQ Questions on Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production Class 12 with answers pave for a quick revision of the Chapter thereby helping you to enhance subject knowledge. Have a glance at the MCQ of Chapter 9 Biology Class 12 and cross-check your answers during preparation.
Select the correct answer
Question 1.
The chances of contracting bird flu from a properly cooked (above 100°C) chicken and egg are:
(a) very high
(b) high
(c) moderate
(d) none.
Answer: (d) none.
Question 2.
A group of animals which are related by descent and share many similarities are referred to as:
(a) breed
(b) race
(c) variety
(d) species.
Answer: (a) breed
Question 3.
Inbreeding is carried out in animal husbandry because it:
(a) increases vigour
(b) improves the breed
(c) increases heterozygosity
(d) increases homozygosity.
Answer: (d) increases homozygosity.
Question 4.
Which one of the following is a marine fish?
(a) Rohu
(b) Hilsa
(c) Catla
(d) Common carp.
Answer: (b) Hilsa
Question 5.
Which one of the following products of apiculture is used in cosmetics and polishes?
(a) Honey
(b) Oil
(c) Wax
(d) Royal jelly.
Answer: (c) Wax
Question 6.
More than 70 percent of livestock population is in:
(a) Denmark
(b) India
(c) China
(d) India and China.
Answer: (d) India and China.
Question 7.
The agriculture sector of India employs:
(a) 60 per cent of the population
(b) 70 per cent of the population
(c) 30 per cent of the population
(d) 62 per cent of the population
Answer: (d) 62 per cent of the population
Question 8.
33 per cent of India’s Gross Domestic Product comes from
(a) industry
(b) agriculture
(c) export
(d) small-scale cottage industries.
Answer: (b) agriculture
Question 9.
Sonalika and Kalyan Sona are varieties of:
(a) wheat
(b) rice
(c) millet
(d) tobacco.
Answer: (a) wheat
Question 10.
Which one of the following is not a fungal disease?
(a) Rust of wheat
(b) Smut of Bajra
(c) Black rot of crucifers
(d) Red rot of sugarcane.
Answer: (c) Black rot of crucifers
Question 11.
In virus-infected plants the meristematic tissues in both apical and axillary buds are free of virus because:
(a) the dividing cells are virus resistant
(b) meristems have anti-viral compounds
(c) the cell division of meristems is faster than the rate of viral multiplication
(d) viruses cannot multiply within meristem cell (s).
Answer: (c) the cell division of meristems is faster than the rate of viral multiplication
Question 12.
Several South Indian states raise 2-3 crops of rice annually. The agronomic feature that makes this possible is because of:
(a) shorter rice plant
(b) better irrigation facilities
(c) early yielding rice variety
(d) disease-resistant rice variety.
Answer: (c) early yielding rice variety
Question 13.
Which one of the following combinations would a sugarcane farmer look for in the sugarcane crop?
(a) Thick stem, long internodes, high sugar content and disease resistant
(b) Thick stem, high sugar content and profuse flowering
(c) Thick stem, short internodes, high sugar content, disease resistant
(d) Thick stem, low sugar, content, disease resistant.
Answer: (a) Thick stem, long internodes, high sugar content and disease resistant
Question 14.
Fungicides and antibiotics are chemicals that:
(a) enhance yield and disease resistance
(b) kill pathogenic fungi and bacteria, respectively
(c) kill all pathogenic microbes
(d) kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi respectively.
Answer: (b) kill pathogenic fungi and bacteria, respectively
Question 15.
Use of certain chemicals and radiation to change the base sequences of genes of crop plants is termed:
(a) recombinant DNA technology
(b) transgenic mechanism
(c) mutation breeding
(d) gene therapy.
Answer: (c) mutation breeding
Question 16.
The scientific process by which crop plants are enriched with certain desirable nutrients is called:
(a) crop protection
(b) breeding
(c) biofortification
(d) bio-remediation.
Answer: (c) biofortification
Question 17.
The term ‘totipotency’ refers to the capacity of a:
(a) cell to generate whole plant
(b) bud to generate whole plant
(c) seed to germinate
(d) cell to enlarge in size.
Answer: (a) cell to generate whole plant
Question 18.
Given below are a few statements regarding somatic hybridisation. Choose the correct statements.
(i) Protoplasts of different cells of the same plant are fused
(ii) Protoplasts from cells of different species can be fused
(iii) Treatment of cells with cellulase and pectinase is mandatory
(iv) The hybrid protoplast contains characters of only one parental protoplast.
(a) ii and iii
(b) i and ii
(c) iii and ii
(d) ii and iv.
Answer: (c) iii and ii
Question 19.
An explant is:
(a) dead plant
(b) part of the plant
(c) part of the plant used in tissue culture
(d) part of the plant that expresses a specific gene.
Answer: (c) part of the plant used in tissue culture
Question 20.
The biggest constraint of plant breeding is:
(a) availability of desirable gene in the crop and its wild relatives
(b) infrastructure
(c) trained manpower
(d) transfer of genes from unrelated sources.
Answer: (d) transfer of genes from unrelated sources.
Assertion and Reason Type Questions
These questions consist of two statements each, printed as Assertion and Reason.
While answering these questions you are required to choose any one of the following four responses:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Question 21.
Assertion: Fish meal is rich source of proteins for cattle and poultry.
Reason: Fish meal is produced from non-edible parts of fish like fins, gills, etc.
Answer: (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
Question 22.
Assertion: Cattle breeds can be improved by superovulation and embryo transfer.
Reason: Superovulation in high milk- yielding cows is induced by hormonal injections.
Answer: (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Question 23.
Assertion: Apis mellifera species of honey bees is commonly used for apiculture.
Reason: Apis mellifera is very docile, high- yielding and less swarming.
Answer: (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Question 24.
Assertion: Poultry farming is helping in raising the nutritional standards.
Reason: Poultry supplies both meat and eggs.
Answer: (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Question 25.
Assertion: The owners of Indian dairy farms prefer to have buffaloes than the cows.
Reason: Buffaloes yield more milk than the cows and their milk contains more fats.
Answer: (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Question 26.
Assertion: Catfishes are best culturable fishes.
Reason: Catfishes survive even at high temperature and low oxygen.
Answer: (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.
Question 27.
Assertion: Cattle feed should contain both roughage and concentrate.
Reason: Roughage of feed provides nutrients, while concentrate of food contains fibres.
Answer: (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
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