NCERT Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 MCQs Questions with Answers

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Life in the Temperate Grasslands Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Appearing Students of Class 7 Exams can download MCQ on Life in the Temperate Grasslands Class 7 with Answers from here. By practicing Class 7 Geography Chapter 9 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class 7 SST Geography Chapter 9 MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and start practicing on a regular basis for better subject knowledge.

Question 1.
Which of the following country is not located in prairies?
(a) Canada
(b) South Africa
(c) America


Answer: (b) South Africa

Question 2.
The prairies are bound by the great lakes in the
(a) North
(b) East
(c) West


Answer: (b) East

Question 3.
In the Prairies the annual rainfall is ideal for the growth of
(a) Apples
(b) Wheat
(c) Grass


Answer: (c) Grass

Question 4.
Chinook blows in
(a) Winter
(b) Summer
(c) Monsoon


Answer: (a) Winter

Question 5.
The Velds have
(a) Mild climate
(b) Cold climate
(c) Very hot climate


Answer: (a) Mild climate

Question 6.
Which of the following animal is not found in velds?
(a) Kudu
(b) Leopard
(c) Monkey


Answer: (c) Monkey

Question 7.
The coldest month in the velds is
(a) December
(b) June
(c) July


Answer: (c) July

Question 8.
Kimberley is famous for its
(a) Diamond mines
(b) Iron mines
(c) Gold mines


Answer: (a) Diamond mines

Question 9.
Which is the Latin word which means meadow?
(a) Priata
(b) Susu
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Priata
The word Prairie originated from Latin word priata that means meadow.

Question 10.
For what Kimberley is famous for?
(a) Diamonds
(b) Gold
(c) Silver
(d) All of these


Answer: (a) Diamonds
Kimberley is famous for its diamond mines. Mining of diamond and gold in South Africa led to the establishment of trade ties with Britain and gradually South Africa became a British Colony.

Question 11.
What are the Cattle farms in North America are called?
(a) Bison
(b) Shed
(c) Ranches
(d) Combine


Answer: (c) Ranches
The Cattle farms in North America are called Ranches. Large cattle farms called ranches are looked after by sturdy men called cowboys.

Question 12.
What is the Gold capital of the world?
(a) Johannesburg
(b) Kimberley
(c) Pretoria
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Johannesburg
Johannesburg is known for being the gold capital of the worl(d) Gold and diamond mining are major occupations of people of this region.

Question 13.
which area is drained by the river Mississippi?
(a) Canada
(b) Africa
(c) USA
(d) Japan


Answer: (c) USA
In the USA, the area is drained by the tributaries of Mississippi and the Canadian prairies are drained by the tributaries of Saskatchewan Rivers.

Question 14.
Which are the important cities in the American Prairies?
(a) Chicago
(b) Kansas
(c) Denver
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above
Important cities in the American prairies are Chicago, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Kansas and Denver.

Question 15.
When is the rainy season in the Velds?
(a) February to march
(b) March to September
(c) November to February
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) November to February
The velds receive rainfall mainly in the months of November to February.

Question 16.
What do you mean by Chinook?
(a) Cold wind that blows in London
(b) Hot wind that blows in winter
(c) Cold wind that blows in summer
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Hot wind that blows in winter
Chinook is a hot wind that blows in winter and therefore raises the temperature within a short time. This increase in temperature results in the melting of snow, making pasture land available for grazing of animals.

Question 17.
For what reasons Johannesburg is famous for?
(a) Silver capital of the world
(b) Mine capital of the world
(c) Gold capital of the world
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Gold capital of the world
Johannesburg is known for being the gold capital of the worl(d) Gold and diamond mining are major occupations of people of this region.

Question 18.
On which basis world’s grasslands are divided?
(a) Weather
(b) Climate
(c) Temperature
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Climate
World’s grasslands are divided on the basis of climate.

Match the following


Column I Column II
1. Ranches (a) The prairies
2. Bison (b) Edmonton
3. American Indians (c) Blackfoot Indians
4. Canadian prairies (d) American buffalo
5. Sea of grass (e) Cowboys


Column I Column II
1. Ranches (e) Cowboys
2. Bison (d) American buffalo
3. American Indians (c) Blackfoot Indians
4. Canadian prairies (b) Edmonton
5. Sea of grass (a) The prairies

Fill in the blanks

1. The temperate grasslands of North America are known as the ……………. .


Answer: prairies

2. The prairies are bounded by the ……………. in the west.


Answer: rocky mountains

3. Climate is a continental type with extreme ……………. .


Answer: temperatures

4. The temperate grasslands of South Africa are called the ……………. .


Answer: velds

5. The velds have a mild climate due to the influence of the ……………. Ocean.


Answer: Indian

6. ……………. is known as the golden capital of the world.


Answer: Johannesburg

7. Red grass grows in ……………. .


Answer: bush velds

8. The named Veld was given by ……………. .


Answer: Dutch settlers

9. The major crop grown in the prairies is ……………. .


Answer: maize

10. The Canadian prairies are drained by the tributaries of ……………. river.


Answer: Saskatchewan

11. Johannesburg records about ……………. temperature in the summer.


Answer: 20°C

12. ……………. sheep is a popular species and its wool is very warm.


Answer: Merino

13. The ……………. is known as the ‘granaries of the world’.


Answer: prairies

Map Skills

1. On an outline map of Africa, show the location of Velds.


MCQ Questions for Class 7 Geography Chapter 9

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Class 7 Geography MCQ

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