Detailed, Step-by-Step NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 8 Structural Change Questions and Answers were solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines covering each topic in chapter to ensure complete preparation.
Structural Change NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 8
Structural Change Questions and Answers Class 12 Sociology Chapter 8
Question 1.
How has colonialism impacted our lives? You can either focus on one aspect like culture or politics or treat them together.
Mention any two structural changes brought about by Colonialism. (C.B.S.E. 2010)
What was the impact of colonialism on the Indian Society? (C.B.S.E. 2010)
Colonialism: At one level, the simple meaning of colonialism is the establishment of rule by one country over the other country. Western colonialism has greatly affected the world during modern times.
A number of people entered India in the past in different times and they established their rule over different parts of the country. The impact of colonial rule is very different from all the other earlier rules, because the changes which it brought were far reaching and deep.
Impact on Culture and Politics: In modern times, we have parliamentary and a legal system, a police and educational system which are according to the British model. Like the British, we drive on the left side of the road, we like bread-omlette and cutlets as seen in the menu of many canteens and roadside eateries.
Britannia, a popular brand in India is actually named after Britain. Neck-ties are included in many school uniforms. We generally admire the west and also resent it. These are just a few complex ways in which the British colonialism lives on in contemporary India.
We can even take the example of the English language and how it has greatly influenced all spheres of Indian social life. English is not only widely used nowadays by the Indian people but we now have a number of literary writings by Indians in English. Just because of the English language, Indians have got an edge in the global market.
But English continues to be a mark of privilege. If anyone don’t know English then it is a disadvantage for him in the job market. At the same time, the traditionally depressed classes like lower castes are acquainting themselves with English with which doors of opportunities are opening for them which were formerly closed.
Question 2.
Industrialisation and Urbanisation are linked processes. Discuss.
It is true that the industrialisation and urbanisation are linked processes. With the process of modernisation, industrialisation and urbanisation also increases. Technology also developed with this and new large scale industries come into being. Cities developed around these industries.
As the industry developed, rural population moved towards it to get employment in the industry. In this way, first of all towns came into existence in the adjoining areas and then they changed into cities.
Thousands of occupations and a number of facilities are also available in urban areas. Means of transport and communication also developed with this process. In this way, industrialisation plays a great role in the progress of urbanisation.
Question 3.
Identify any town or city with which you are familiar. Find out both the history of its growth and its contemporary status.
The students should do this themselves with the help of their teacher.
Question 4.
You may be living in a very small town, may be in a very big city, a semi urban settlement or a village.
(i) Describe the place where you live.
(ii) What are the features, which make you think it is a town and not a city, a village and not a town, or a city and not a village?
(iii) Is there any factory where you live?
(iv) Is agriculture the main job that people do?
(v) Is it the occupational nature that has a determining influence?
(vi) Is it the buildings?
- Is it the availability of educational opportunities?
- Is it the way people live and behave?
- Is it the way people talk and dress?
Students themselves can give answer of this question with the help of their teacher by looking around their surroundings.