NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Questions and Answers Provided helps you to answer complex Questions too easily. You can use them while preparing for board exams and all of them are given by subject experts. Reading NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans familiarizes you with the kind of questions appearing in the board exams. Students are advised to read these solutions on a regular basis to score well.

History Class 7 Chapter 3 Question Answer Solutions

Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. Use the Class 7 SST History Chapter 3 NCERT Solutions and get to know different concepts involved. All the Solutions are covered as per the latest syllabus guidelines. Knowing the NCERT Class 7 History Chapter 3 Questions and Answers helps students to attempt the exam with confidence.

The Delhi Sultans Class 7 Questions Answers

Let’s Recall

Question 1.
Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?
The Tomar Rajputs were the first rulers established their capital at Delhi.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Question 2.
What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?
The language of administration under the Delhi Sultans was Persian.

Question 3.
In whose reign did the Sultanate reach its farthest extent?
During the reign of Muhammad Tughluq Sultanate reached its farthest extent.

Question 4.
From which country did Ibn Battuta travel in India?
Ibn Battuta travelled in India from Morocco.

Let’s Understand

Question 5.
According to the “circle of justice”, why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind?
Military commanders kept the interests of the peasantry in mind because peasants were very big community and they were most important source of revenue on their cultivation. Thus, it was very essential that interest of peasants be kept in mind so that they could become prosperous and pay the taxes easily.

Question 6.
What is meant by the “internal” and “external” frontiers of the Sultanate?
The ‘internal frontier’ means areas of hinterland of the garrison town while ‘external frontier’ means the areas beyond the hinterland.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Question 7.
What were the steps taken to ensure that muqtis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans?
To ensure performance of their duties, three steps were taken:

  1. Accountants were appointed to check the amount of revenue collected by muqtis.
  2. A close monitoring was arranged not to collect the taxes more than prescribed.
  3. It was also taken care not to appoint more soldiers.

The muqtis were appointed instead of hereditary inheritance and also the appointment’s nature was transferable. Thus, I think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans.

Question 8.
What was the impact of the Mongol invasions on the Delhi Sultanate?
During the period of Alauddin Khalji, Mongol attack undertook the Delhi Sultanate. Due to this Delhi sultanate constructed a new garrison town at Siri in Delhi. He imposed 50% tax on the yield of peasants, so that he could feed and pay the army. He began to pay the army in cash. Apart from this, Muhammad Tughluq shifted garrison town in Delhi. He also began to pay the army in cash.

Let’s Discuss

Question 9.
Do you think the authors of tawarikh would provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women?
The authors of tawarikh lived in cities mainly in Delhi, and they often wrote in hope of rich rewards from the rulers. Thus, it seems that the aim of tawarikh would have been to praise the ruler and of their activities. So, I think the authors of tawarikh would not provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women who mostly lived in far-fledged areas.

Question 10.
Raziyya Sultan was unique in the history of the Delhi Sultanate. Do you think women leaders are accepted more readily today?
No doubt, Raziyya Sultan was unique in the history of the Delhi Sultanate as Minhaj-i-Siraj, recognized that she was more able and qualified than all her brothers. Raziyya was not accepted by the elite and only after four years she was removed from the throne in 1240.

Yes, I think women leaders are accepted more readily today. In the democracy there is no discrimination between men and women. Indira Gandhi, Pratibha Patil, Benazir Bhutto, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher and many more who became Prime Minister and President in the democratic system.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 3 The Delhi Sultans

Question 11.
Why were the Delhi Sultans interested in cutting down forests? Does deforestation occur for the same reasons today?
Forests were cleared (internal frontier) in the Ganga-Yamuna doab by the Delhi Sultans due to the expansion of agricultural lands. These lands were given to peasants and agriculture was encouraged. New fortresses, garrison towns and towns were established to protect trade routes and to promote regional trade.

No, today most of the deforestation occurs only for getting the wealth and in the forest areas many illegal groups are active for cutting the forests’ trees. These groups are supply wood of forest and get funds. Apart from this, today deforestation occurs due to the increased population, urbanization and commercialization.

Let’s do

Question 12.
Find out whether there are any buildings built by the Delhi Sultans in your areas. Are there any other buildings in your area that were built between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries? Describe some of these buildings, and draw sketches of them.
Students write the answer with the help of his/her teacher.

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