NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English
Class 10 English First Flight Poem 7 Animals Question Answer
English Class 10th First Flight Poem 7 Animals Question Answers
Animals Thinking about the Poem
Question 1.
Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line. “I think I could turn and live with animals ”
What is the poet turning from?
The poet is turning from the troubles of living like a human being towards a placid life of animals.
Question 2.
Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t.
The animals don’t sweat like human beings. They do not disturb their sleep to regret about their sins. They believe in equality. Therefore, they do not kneel before the superior members of the group.
Question 3.
Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Discuss this in groups.
Yes, the humans kneel before other humans who lived thousands of years ago. In the olden days, people used to bow before the superior members of the society like the sages and the kings to show that they respected them.
Question 4.
What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago and which the animals have kept for him? Discuss this in class.
(Hint: Whitman belongs to the Romantic tradition that includes Rousseau and Wordsworth, which holds that civilisation has made humans false to their own true nature. What could be the basic aspects of our nature as living beings that humans choose to ignore or deny?)
The tokens are the tokens of being a human being, living in natural environment naturally like those who do not bother about petty things in life and remain undisturbed for the things which worry them. The poet feels that the human beings also lived a calm life like animals in olden times and they may have dropped their natural calm in the last few years.
Animals Extra Questions and Answers
Animals Reference-to-Context Questions
Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow:
Question 1.
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition.
(a) Animals are content and never …………… about their condition.
(b) The poet tells us that animals are ………… to humans?
(c) Animals are never satisfied with their condition. (True/False)
(d) Find the same meaning of ‘complain’ in the extract.
Question 2.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
(a) The animals do not sweep for their ………. because they happy and content.
(b) The animals live in the ………. of nature.
(c)Human beings are troubled and disturbed in doing their duties to God. (True/False)
(d) Find the antonym of ‘smile’ in the extract.
Question 3.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole Earth.
(a) It is unique in the animal world that no one is ………….. or unhappy.
(b) Humans …………. to other humans, but the animals do not.
(c) Humans knelt to other humans thousands of years ago. (True/False)
(d) Find the antonym of ‘disrespectable’ in the extract.
Animals Long Answer Question
Question 1.
‘A friend’s eye is a good mirror’. How far does this apply to the relationships spoken about, between men and animals, in the poem, ‘Animals’?
The author values a friendship with animals above the human relationship because animals impress him with their placid and self-contained demeanor. Unlike men, the poet justifies such friends as they do not labour and lament their condition or suffer self-mortification for their wrongs, as men do. They don’t hold discussions about Man’s duty towards God.
He admires the animals’ disinterest in owning things or kowtowing to seniors or ancestors. The animals he says accept him unconditionally, mirroring his primary self. He realizes that animals mirror his true nature of man and portray it in theirs, like tokens, making the poet enquire about whether he had carelessly dropped his natural characteristics some time in the past.
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